与基于GAN的方法相比,LDM在Precison和Recall上具有明显的改善,证明了mode-covering likelihood-based training objective相较于 adversarial objective的优势。 4.3. Conditional Latent Diffusion 首先,cross-attention机制极大地促进了条件建模的灵活性,使得LDMs可以应对各种模态的条件输入,比如layout-to-image和text-to-image...
论文链接:High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models 表格放在了最后,图是按论文顺序放的 (公式在手机上好像没办法显示,我也不知道是什么问题,建议大家还是在pc搭配原文食用吧) 摘要: 通过将图像形成过程分解为去噪自动编码器的序列应用,扩散模型 (DM) 在图像数据及其他方面实现了最先进的合成结果...
二.隐式扩散模型 Latent Diffusion Models 与DDPM的过程类似,前向与反向扩散都是在潜空间里完成的,只不过Zt是Latent Feature,Z0是AE的Encoder推理出的原始特征,ZT是纯噪声特征。所以在训练时,不再是生成一张噪点图,而是在潜空间里生成一个随机张量(Tensor),并且在给图片每一步增加噪点时,也不再是给图像增加噪点...
名称 Latent Diffusion Model, High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models 时间:21.12 机构:runway TL;DR 这篇文章介绍了一种名为潜在扩散模型(Latent Diffusion Models, LDMs)的新型高分辨率图像合成方法。LDMs通过在预训练的自编码器的潜在空间中应用扩散模型,实现了在有限计算资源下训练高质量图像...
Latent diffusion models have been demonstrated to generate high-quality images, while offering efficiency in model training compared to diffusion models operating in the pixel space. However, incorporating latent diffusion models to solve inverse problems remains a chal...
Latent diffusion models are a class of probabilistic models used in machine learning and natural language processing (NLP). These models are particularly useful for tasks such as image generation, language modeling, and representation learning. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview...
NaturalSpeech 2: Latent Diffusion Models are Natural and Zero-Shot Speech and Singing Synthesizers http://t.cn/A6NMPINT Kai Shen, Zeqian Ju, Xu Tan, Yanqing Liu, Yichong Leng, Lei He, Tao Qin, Shen...
提出了Latent Diffusion Models(LDMs) 1、对比transformer-based的方法,该方法能够在压缩的空间(work on a compression level)对图像进行重建,生成比之前的方法更加可靠与详细的结果。并能应用于百万像素图像的高分辨率合成(high-resolution synthesis of megapixel images)。
The model's generative diffusion component uses a U-Net backbone architecture predominantly comprising 2D convolutional layers. Trained on a low-dimensional KL-regularized latent space, it enables more precise reconstructions and efficient high-resolution synthesis compared to transformer-based...
Introducing Peacasso: A UI Interface for Generating AI Art with Latent Diffusion Models (Stable Diffusion) ART + AI — Generating African Masks using (Tensorflow and TPUs) Real-Time High-Resolution Background Matting | Paper Review Recent Breakthroughs in AI (Karpathy, Johnson et al, Feb 2021...