之前的文章介绍了潜增长曲线模型(Latent Growth Curve Models, LGCM),其可用于探索群体特征随时间变化发展的过程或者轨迹,但这一方法有一个前提假设——群体同质性,即调查样本中所有个体具有相同或类似的平均增长轨迹,也就是具有相同的截距和斜率。 但在有些情况下,或者说现实情况下,个体间存在差异,并且差异可能较大...
模型简介潜增长曲线模型/潜增长模型/潜变量增长曲线模型(Latent Growth Curve Models, LGCM)是纵向追踪数据分析中常用的一种模型。 LGCM可以用来探索事物随时间变化发展的过程。 Latent growth curve models wer…
纵向结构方程模型第3.0期:潜在增长曲线模型(一)/Latent Growth Curve Models 1 墨寒轩主人 5152 16 结构方程Structural Equation Models with lavaan in R - Sally R_Ladies 123 0 调查问卷测量不变性Measurement Invariance AMOS 大春师兄 2503 33 潜类别选择模型(有限混合模型)Latent Class Logit Model (Finite...
The Analysis of Individual Health Trajectories Across the Life Course: Latent Class Growth Models Versus Mixed ModelsWhen analysing individual trajectories across the life course, the fact that repeated observations of individuals are not independent (i.e. correlated) should be taken into account. ...
An introduction to latent growth models: analysis of repeated measures physical performance data. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the Latent Growth Model (LGM) to researchers in exercise and sport science. Although the LGM has several merits o... I Park,RW Schutz - 《Research ...
An introduction to latent variable mixture modeling (part 2): longitudinal latent class growth analysis and growth mixture models. Pediatric psychologists are often interested in finding patterns in heterogeneous longitudinal data. Latent variable mixture modeling is an emerging statis... KS Berlin,GR Pa...
在Mplus中,如要构建无条件线性LGCM,首先设定数据文件(FILE 123.dat),变量(如Y1-5,缺失值设为99),并选择最大似然估计(ESTIMATOR=ML)。关键步骤包括创建截距和斜率因子,将斜率负荷与时间变量关联。输出包括技术信息(TECH1, TECH4, STAND)和可视化图表(PLOT3),模型的拟合度是结果解读的...
潜增长曲线模型/潜增长模型(Latent Growth Curve Models, LGCM)分为无条件(Unconditional)LGCM和有条件(Conditional)LGCM。无条件LGCM用于描述某一变量随时间发展变化趋势,分为无条件线性LGCM、无条件自由估计LGCM和无条件非线性LGCM。有条件LGCM在无条件LGCM基础上纳入其他变量,探究其对研究变量...
Mplus—潜增长曲线模型(Latent Growth Curve Models, LGCM)在探讨潜增长曲线模型的过程中,我们提到了线性增长、自由估计和二次增长等多种情况。然而,除了这些,还有一种值得关注的增长模式——分段增长。这种模型特别适用于那些在发展过程中存在显著转折点的情况,这些转折点将变量的发展划分为不同的阶段,每个阶段...
Latent class growth analysis is increasingly proposed as a solution to summarize the observed longitudinal treatment into a few distinct groups. When latent class growth analysis is combined with standard approaches like Cox proportional hazards models, confounding bias is not properly addressed because of...