Structure formation on radiative blast wave fronts in late-stage supernova remnants is expected to play a role in star formation via seeding of the Jeans instability. The origin of these structures is believed to be an instability described theoretically by Vishniac [1], which has been subject ...
Late events can help explain the discrepancy in the delay-time distributions derived from supernova remnants in the Magellanic Clouds and extragalactic type Ia events, lowering the contribution of prompt Ia events. We discuss ways to test these predictions and speculate on the implications for super...
Vogt, F., Dopita, M.A.: The 3D structure of N132D in the LMC: a late-stage young supernova remnant. Astrophys. Space Sci. 331, 521-535 (2011)Vogt, F., & Dopita, M. A. 2011, "The 3D structure of N132D in the LMC: a late-stage young supernova remnant," Astrophysics and...
Although the hydrodynamic instabilities of early supernova remnants have already been studied using this method, the role of significant radiative losses in shock propagation (for example, in late-term remnants) has only been imperfectly modeled. This thesis introduces an improved self-similar analytic...