Presented as a live TV broadcast from Halloween 1977, the film stars David Dastmalchian as syndicated late night talk show host Jack Delroy. Desperate to revive plummeting ratings, Jack’s unwittingly unleashes evil with a Halloween special that shocks the nation.Laura Gordon, Ian Bliss, Fayssal...
Late night hosts do grim rapid-fire summaries of Trump's last 4 years 10 of the most laugh-out-loud James Corden sketches from 2019 25 of the most memorable late night moments of 2019 The definitive countdown of the best 'Carpool Karaoke' episodes of 2017 ...
So I was like, ‘Yeah, OK, I love you. I will talk to you later. Have a great night.’ Then I hang up, and I go back to studying.”Both kids attended Friday mass at their school, St. Martin of Tours, after which they were pulled out of class by Father Donie....
Presented as a live TV broadcast from Halloween 1977, the film stars David Dastmalchian as syndicated late night talk show host Jack Delroy. Desperate to revive plummeting ratings, Jack’s unwittingly unleashes evil with a Halloween special that shocks the nation.Laura Gordon, Ian Bliss, Fayssal...