P740 Late metabolic acidosis of newborn 新生儿后期代谢性酸毒症 P741 Dehydration of newborn 新生儿脱 …icd-10th.blogspot.com|基于3个网页 2. 新生儿晚期代谢性酸中毒 医学病症词汇翻译L-1... ... 新生儿晚期代谢性酸中毒 Late metabolic acidosis of newborn 潜伏性晚期梅毒 Late syphilis latent ... ...
...高,内源性氢离子产生增加超过肾小管排泄能力,可发生晚发性酸中毒(late metabolic acidosis),患儿面色苍白,反应较差…medicaldb.haoyisheng.com|基于4个网页 2. 晚期代谢性酸中毒 metabolic acidosis是什么意思... ... late metabolic acidosis: 晚期代谢性酸中毒 late metabolic acidosis : 代谢性酸中毒 ......
Pediatric ResearchSchwartzGJ, Haycock GB, Chin B, Edelman CM, SpitzerA. Late metabolic acidosis: a reassessmentof the definitionJ Pediatr 1979; 95: 102-7Schwartz GJ, Haycock JB, Edelman CM Jr, et al. Late meta- bolic acidosis: a reassessment of the definition. J Pediatr. 1979;95: 102...
Radiographs available for 7 of 13 SGA infants were normal, whereas 6 of 11 radiographs of AGA babies showed some osteoporotic changes.Speculation: Careful control of late metabolic acidosis in infants < 1.3 kg birth weight results in less ionic hypercalcemia and improved growth in length. In the...
Case Report: A 26-year-old woman ingested 250 to 500 mL methanol during the 38th week of pregnancy. The initial serum methanol concentration was 230mg/dL and formate was 33.6mg/dL. A mild metabolic acidosis was present. As gynecologic examination and fetal monitoring failed to detect fetal ...
Speculation: Careful control of late metabolic acidosis in infants < 1.3 kg birth weight results in less ionic hypercalcemia and improved growth in length. In the more immature AGA infants, radiologic osteoporosis was seen. Mineral and protein content of formula currently used for feeding infants of...
It affects 5–10% of pregnancies and is associated with increased preterm birth, low Apgar scores, hypoxemia, acidosis at birth, sepsis, intracranial hemorrhage, necrotizing enterocolitis, respiratory complications, fetal and neonatal death [1]. It affects the person throughout life course and is ...
Introduction: Accumulation of 5-oxoproline (pyroglutamic acid) is a rare cause of severe, high anion gap metabolic acidosis in adults. Case: A 21 year old lady presented at 39 weeks gestation in her first pregnancy with 2 weeks history of shortness of breath. She suffered from ear ache ...
Late metabolic acidosisdoi:10.1016/S0022-3476(80)80234-4Daniel EssinThe Journal of Pediatrics
Cholestasis in late metabolic acidosis of prematurely born infants. J Clin Chem Clin Biochem 1987;25(7):413e8.Senger H, Boehm G, Beyreiss K, Braun W. Cholestasis in late metabolic acidosis of prematurely born infants. J Clin Chem Clin Biochem 1987; 25(7): 413-418....