As per the GST law, the late fee for notfiling the GSTR-1is Rs 200 per day for late filing (Rs 100 according to the CGST Act and Rs. 100 under the SGST Act). The late fee levied will be from the published date to the last date. After the furnished notification dated February 20...
"GSTR-3B Interest & Late Fee Calculator" will auto calculate the Interest and Late Fee liabilities from July 2017 to August 2020. Benefits of GSTR-3B Interest & Late Fee Calculator : Auto calculate the Interest along with Late Fee amount for the month of July 2017 to August 2020. Calculat...
Finally, platform capitalism complicates industrialisation as there are many new downsides to an economy where data is becoming increasingly valuable, and platforms compete for user attention and data. Digital platforms’ huge hunger for data and the high value that data holds for them has given ris...
Those organizations that have a turnover of up to the amount of Rs 1 crore (filing GSTR-3B for both months March and April) have 30 more days. And for organizations having turnover up to the limit of Rs 5 crore have the additional 15 more days to file along with a nil late fee....
E.Z. is supported by the Netherlands Research School for Astronomy (NOVA). S.D.M. acknowledges support by a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action Incoming Fellowship (H2020 MSCA-IF-2014, project id 661502). R.G.I. thanks STFC for his Rutherford fellowship (ST/L003910/1), the DAAD for funding...
Some more things to consider- when a partial year remains, our usual annual fee is decremented to not charge you for services you didn’t use such as payroll processing. However, a large chunk of our annual fee is tax return preparation which is typically a built-in fixed amount of $2,...
be obtained by applying for access and paying an access fee 19. Beck, D. et al. White matter microstructure across the adult life- (see span: A mixed longitudinal and cross-sectional study using access). Source data are ...
fδlcciroo1no8nlOemusm(piGsrbetncaeMipcnskfWatomwtrrLpiat; g2rotyie)mo o2an6rn.Mi(cTa−alhwyre8sta.iiut1snen‰orLwsfa)(etk2hFi7egeiagh( ved2 =edatnoa n4tn-d4tbhn;Taeuasavasebeledlraδeaδs1 gS8o1O8e1nO)paδ....
Moreover, the cellular and subcellular localizations of amniotic AQPs indicate that the AQPs play distinct functional roles, such as apoptosis for amniotic fluid homeostasis or the tissue remodeling of amniotic membranes during pregnancy. It was proven that AQP1, 3, 8, 9, and 11 play crucial ...
[w13as].cytotoxic ainghaiibnisIttnoArty2h7pe8o0ctehonuutmirasalenagooavfianorsiuatnrpthouynmtgooporaicntehgllosgr[ee1ns0se],aawrnchdhilheautihmmeatinrnodgchisfeeolairospes-htrroeullsactHteud, Ir,GaalrnlaydmSn-psohovsoeiwtlievadend biol aacntdivGerasmec-noengdataivrye bmacetetraibao[1li...