Collapse of Late Bronze Age Civilizations Linked to Climate ChangeEnrico de Lazaro
The Late Bronze Age, collapseLate Bronze Age eastern MediterraneanHittitesTelAphek letter, UgaritHittite royal familyMycenaean AegeanAmmurapi, stele of “Baal with ThunderboltPeleset/Philistine settlementsShikila and Sherdana, Sea PeoplesCollapse and DestructionMigrations and ResettlementsNotes...
► The Bronze Age Collapse and Greek Dark Ages may result from the same arid period. Introduction At the end of the Late Bronze Age (LBA) most Eastern Mediterranean urban centers were either destroyed or abandoned throughout the Near East and Aegean (Andronikos, 1954; Vermeule, 1960; ...
The Late Bronze Age Collapse, often alternately referred to as the Mycenaean Palatial Civilization Collapse, was a period of time — roughly between the years of 1250-1000 BC (3250-3000 years ago) — that was violent, and catastrophically disruptive with regard to cultures, social systems/practic...
继续开发西方古代史深度问题,Late Bronze Age Collapse 、古埃及赫梯比较论这么大的事情,知乎上居然1个问题没有,总体上内容接近一片空白,不过也一点不奇怪了。 其实对于具体史料学还真是小白水平,绝大部分情况下提到长周期古代史都是一定要和火山、气候扯上关系,是为后者做铺垫的,所以关于严肃历史学真是以提问为主...
The Bronze Age of Central Europe was a period of major social, economic, political and ideological change. The arrival of millet is often seen as part of wider Bronze Age connectivity, yet understanding of the subsistence regimes underpinning this dynami
If, however, the cristobalite in the ceramics formed at very high temperatures, it is conceivable that these temperatures occurred during an over firing event that resulted in the collapse of the kiln. Kingery carried out differential thermal analysis (DTA) of ceramics of archaeological pottery ...
During the Bronze Age there are five sites, out of ten overall, with S. granarius in Europe, all of them in the Mediterranean. In the Iron Age, only two of the six records were European, also in the Mediterranean (see Fig. 2, Fig. 6). In terms of introductions, the Iron Age ...
(Ariba) languages, to the east of Normanton. The Walangama and Rib people suffered severe demographic collapse after colonisation and did not survive. Little is known about them beyond traces of their languages. They are largely forgotten in the region, with few families tracing descent via fore...
The Amorites and the Bronze Age Near East. The Making of a Regional Identity Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2021) Google Scholar Butzer, 2012 K.W. Butzer Collapse, Environment, and Society Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109 (10) (2012...