Apple MacBook Pro MYD82LL/A (Late 2020) 13.3" Laptop Computer - Space GrayApple M1 8-Core CPU; 8GB Unified Memory; 256GB Solid State Drive; 8-Core GPU/16-Core Neural Engine 4.9 (36) Add SKU:207183 to wishlist Key Features Apple M1 8-Core CPU ...
Benchmark results for an iPad Pro (12.9-inch 3rd Generation) with an Apple A12X Bionic processor.
This fits with Kuo'sprevious claimsthat Apple will release a13-inch MacBook Prorunning Apple Silicon in late 2020. It also appears to back up the recent report that during the first quarter of 2021, Apple will "open contract bids" from suppliers for the manufacture of a new14-inch MacBook...
MacBook Pro M1 Incredibly laggy, slow and buggy since 12.4 Monterey update I put off updating to Monterey for as long as possible due to concerns that it may cause more problems than it fixes. Unfortunately though, my m1 was suffering from purple screen restarts each morning after waking up....
经测试后发现 Mac Pro 就算在巨大的工作压力下最大温度也只有 47℃,这种情况下的风扇转速大约是 700 到 800 rpm。另外,你基本上听不到Mac Pro发出任何的声音(除非你把耳朵贴到机身旁边),非常的安静。就算是在进行4k视频处理和导出程序时,也根本听不到任何声音。本人觉得苹果在散热这一方面做得非常的出色,其...
您需要登录才可以下载或查看,没有帐号?注册 x Apple MacBook Pro 13 M1 Late 2020 A2338 820-...
Late 2013 ..MacBook买来将近4年了,除了游戏,平日办公娱乐完全没啥性能问题,所以并不打算更新换代,寻思着搞个外接显卡来过渡一下。之前雷电2时期看到过一些方案,但是相当麻烦因为还要自己弄电源、改显卡坞外壳之类
For your safety, discharge your MacBook Pro's battery below 25% before you begin this procedure. A charged lithium-ion battery can create a dangerous and uncontrollable fire if accidentally punctured. Cosa ti serve Ricambi MacBook Pro 13" (A2338, Late 2020) Trackpad Aggiungi al ca...
Technical specifications for the MacBook Pro "M3 Max" 16 CPU/40 GPU 16". Dates sold, processor type, memory info, hard drive details, price and more.
显卡:AMD Radeon Pro 455 - 2048MB GDDR5, 核心/显存频率:855/1270Mhz。内存:16384MB LPDDR3-2133Mhz 板载双通道内存。屏幕:15.4寸 16比10,2880x1800P 220PPI,APP A031 IPS镜面屏。硬盘:Apple SSD SM0512L 512GB SSD。网卡:Broadcom BCM15700A2 802.11ac (ac), Bluetooth 4.2。尺寸:高x长x宽:16x349...