// Create an array. var ar = ["ab", "cd", "ef", "ab", "cd"]; // Determine the first location, in descending order, of "cd". document.write(ar.lastIndexOf("cd") + ""); // Output: 4 // Find "cd" in descending order, starting at index 2. document.write(ar.lastIndexO...
Copy 输出: Targetis present at index4 Java Copy 例子-2。 // Java code to show implementation of// Guava's Booleans.lastIndexOf() methodimportcom.google.common.primitives.Booleans;importjava.util.Arrays;classGFG{// Driver's codepublicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){// Creating a boolean array...
Java.Util.Zip Javax.Annotation.Processing Javax.Crypto Javax.Crypto.Interfaces Javax.Crypto.Spec Javax.Microedition.Khronos.Egl Javax.Microedition.Khronos.Opengles Javax.Net Javax.Net.Ssl Javax.Security.Auth Javax.Security.Auth.Callback Javax.Security.Auth.Login ...
: ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) ); } public static void PrintMarker( String Prefix, int First, int Last ) { // Determines the size of the array to create...
the index of the last occurrence of the element at position less than or equal toindexin this vector; -1 if the element is not found. Attributes RegisterAttribute Exceptions ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException iflocation >= size(). Remarks
: ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) ); } public static void PrintMarker( String Prefix, int First, int Last ) { // Determines the size of the array to create...
the index of the last occurrence of the element at position less than or equal toindexin this vector; -1 if the element is not found. Attributes RegisterAttribute Exceptions ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException iflocation >= size(). Remarks
: ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) ); } public static void PrintMarker( String Prefix, int First, int Last ) { // Determines the size of the array to create...
Implement the type version ofArray.lastIndexOf,LastIndexOf<T, U>takes an ArrayT, anyUand returns the index of the lastUin ArrayT For example: typeRes1=LastIndexOf<[1,2,3,2,1],2>// 3typeRes2=LastIndexOf<[0,0,0],2>// -1 ...
: ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) ); } public static void PrintMarker( String Prefix, int First, int Last ) { // Determines the size of the array to create...