Remember that CSS reads ‘right to left’ So, in your case, it’s testing for it to meetallthe conditions. It looks to see if something is the last child then if it has the attribute and class. If it doesn’t have all three…in that order…it fails. The :first-child is working ...
The link below is the example, the commented css at line between 44 and 54 is't working, it should removes non needed last cut marks. Thanks for the greate job any way. @font-face...
Formula would calculate as (-ax0)+b, (-ax1)+b, (-ax2)+b, (-ax3)+b, ...(working backwards) tr:nth-last-child(-n+2) { background: blue; } style_properties The CSS styles to apply to the nth last child element. Note
Allows us to target every 3rd sibling in a group starting from the 9th spot and working backwards :not(:nth-child(4n)) Allows us to target every sibling that is not the 4th sibling in a group Using the:nth-childselector can take your CSS to the next level. It helps you write code...
Here’s the HTML and CSS from above working in action, and be sure to note the browser compatibilty information below.This is the first child This is the second child This is the third child This is the last childBrowser compatibility
CSS 中文开发手册 :nth-last-of-type (Selectors) - CSS 中文开发手册 该:nth-last-of-type(an+b)CSS伪类匹配的是在它之后有an+b-1个同类型同胞元素的元素,其中n的是正数或零。它本质上与:nth-of-type是一样的,除了它从后向前计数项目,而不是从前往后。 /* Selects every fourth inside a parent ...
Icanget them to all display “Department: The Story of My Life” or all of the associated categories but not just the last on the list. Thanks October 3, 2010 at 9:42 am#78721 shackep Member This is what I ended up using. It seems to be working. ...