2. Lost years are worse than lost dollars.一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。一二三四写作任务上个星期,你和你父母去了三亚旅游。请根据表格内容写一篇短文,介绍你的经历。时间 上周地点 三亚起床6:30 a.m.交通方式及路上花费的时间 飞机;2个多小时天气 晴朗、热活动 游泳、吃海鲜、买礼物……感受……一...
Of course (since the City no longer seems to know how to make simple asphalt that sticks) within a few weeks all that had disappeared and the potholes are worse than ever. Money well spent, right by our brilliant downtown “leaders”.Have you noticed Toronto’s new air- and noise-...
For those that are not biblical scholars, writing over two thousand years ago, Daniel knew this would be bad and usher in far worse. Knowing they must instigate the war, Mossad must covertly create the conditions that force Iran to respond in a way President Trump cannot not respond. So,...
I mean look at the record of the last two years: first, you loot Americans by destroying the values of their homes and their pensions; then, you steal another $23.7 trillion from America’s past-present-future and transfer it to the super-rich because the...
My husband was with them over 20 years, never a claim or anything but the constant increasing of prices was beyond ridiculous. Back in the day they were the cheapest, now the are the most expensive. We priced several recently, they were the most expensive by a long shot and we moved ...
D&D have made it impossible for me to further suspend my disbelief in this show, the plot holes are ridiculous, you have millions of dollars and advisors and outside help and years to create the final season and this is the result?A college student could have written a better script for ...
The facts leading to the court battle in Wendinger are every homeowner's worst nightmare.The Wendingers and the Forsts had been neighbors for years. They had also farmed their lands for years, and the Wendingers built a new home on their land in 1984.In 1994, the Forsts entered into ...
more lives were lost than in the preceding five years of war. Allied victory in Europe would have come not in May 1945 but in August had we been forced back onto our island following defeat on the beaches nor ever left it because we had missed that window. Hitler’s Reich would have ...
Why are the Gospels so different, in this regard – especially Matthew and Mark? The internet tells us that Mark’s Gospel was written first – around CE / AD 60. Matthew and Luke wrote their Gospels ten or twenty years later. John wrote his around CE /AD 90. So Mark’s was written...
In a matter of just a few months, the COVID-19 has wiped out more Americans than all of America’s senseless wars in the last forty years? These are thousands of people that would be upright and walking and talking had a very nasty virus not hopped from China to the United States. ...