life and confinement could often take a heavy toll and in some instances even result in prisoners taking their own lives. Although a relatively uncommon occurrence, there were a number of incidences of suicide at Newcastle Gaol. One particularly notable case was that of Alexander Ingram in 1911...
[257] Whipped up by the demagoguery of lower clergy and state officials, they executed ‘Morisco’ hostages and seized their property.[258] The massacres spared neither age nor sex.[259] An instance amongst many: altogether thirteen hundred prisoners, or whom a thousand were women, were ...
A discretionary last supper has been given to prisoners facing the death penalty as long as the punishment has existed. The tradition stems from funeral rites where the deceased person was given food on his deathbed to protect him on his journey to the afterlife. Today, the ritual of giving ...
For example, while the federal government released tens of thousands of prisoners as part of a political amnesty, Tigray region did not. In general, the three groups ignore political prisoners languishing in Tigrayan prisons. Some of them have, however, campaigned for the release of federal “po...
with each of the many transitions thoughtfully composed and executed in seamless lockstep. But on the other hand, the entire thing bursts with such malevolent energy that it sounds like the band is always on the verge of flying straight off the rails. It’s the sort of energy that comes fr...
“I thought of meals that I’d prepared, or meals that I’d had with my family,” theysaid, “and I realized that we all have food in common. That this inmate who was just executed is a person who eats and has food requests and certain foods that they like.” ...
Ashraf Ghani, the president, has addressed an emergency meeting of parliament calling for national unity at a moment of “critical danger”. Captured policemen and soldiers have been gruesomely executed despite Taliban claims they would treat prisoners humanely. ...
“I saw practically all the currencies of the world,” he once recounted. “I saw them from the Italian lira to Spanish pesetas to Hungarian and Mexican currencies, from dollars to the English pound.” Gröning knew that the prisoners had come to Auschwitz to die. This didn’t much bothe...
rather the monologue: the woman is indeed the only character who speaks and she furthermore expresses herself in Finnish gibberish, which demanded that subtitles be added.According to the Oxford English Dictionary, a territory is "the extent of the land belonging to or under the jurisdiction of ...
One of the major differences, for me, is in their portrayal of Jesus, and their records of his words. In Matthew, Jesus displays a cruel streak. Over and over again, the Son of God vows that sinners will be cast into hell, where there will be flames and a wailing and gnashing of ...