FORMAT_TIMESTAMP('%X', fastest_time) AS fastest_time, TIMESTAMP_DIFF(finish_time, fastest_time, SECOND) AS delta_in_seconds FROM ( SELECT name, finish_time, division, FIRST_VALUE(finish_time) OVER (PARTITION BY division ORDER BY finish_time ASC ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED...
syntaxsqlCopy LAST_VALUE( [scalar_expression] ) [IGNORENULLS|RESPECTNULLS]OVER( [partition_by_clause]order_by_clause[rows_range_clause] ) Arguments scalar_expression The value to be returned.scalar_expressioncan be a column, subquery, or other expression that results in a single value. Other ...
SQL Server 2012 introduces two new analytical functions FIRST_VALUE and LAST_VALUE. FIRST_VALUE returns the first value in an ordered set of values and LAST_VALUE returns the last value in an ordered set of values The syntax for these functions are: FIRST_VALUE \LAST_VALUE ( [scalar_express...
LAST_VALUEis an analytic function. It returns the last value in an ordered set of values. If the last value in the set is null, then the function returnsNULLunless you specifyIGNORENULLS. This setting is useful for data densification. If you specifyIGNORE NULLS, thenLAST_VALUEreturns the fi...
last value in the set is null, then the function returnsNULLunless you specifyIGNORENULLS. If you specifyIGNORE NULLS, thenLAST_VALUEreturns the last non-null value in the set, orNULLif all values are null. Refer to"Using Partitioned Outer Joins: Examples"for an example of data ...
LAST_VALUE_Expression := 'LAST_VALUE' '('expression')'. Remarks expression The expression for which the last value gets calculated for the window. Return Type The nullable type of the input. Usage in Windowing Expression This analytic function can be used in awindowing expressionwith the follow...
Re: How to extract all values except the last value in a string separated by comma in sql Muhammad Akhtar June 19, 2023 06:54PM Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed. Content reproduced on this site is the property of the respective copyright holders. It is not ...
排序取值函数:LAST_VALUE 和 FIRST_VALUE 都是排序后取值,区别是FIRST_VALUE是取首行的列值,LAST_VALUE是取末尾行的列值,两个函数都要求指定ORDER BY子句。但是排序的规则决定了两者取出来的值是有很大区别的。因为两个都必须是搭配OVER子句使用,意味着ORDER BY后的结果是一个开窗函数后的结果,开窗的窗口大小是随...
使用last_value,但是要注明ignore nulls 比如有数据如下: RN ADDRESS ARRIVAL_TIME USERID--- --- --- ---1A12012-7-9下午12:03:211(null) A22012-7-9下午12:04:212(null) A32012-7-9下午12:05:2132A12012-7-9下午12:08:214(null) A22012-7-9下午12:09:215(null) A32012-7-9下午12:10:2...
除了last_value(rn ignore nulls),到了11g r2,oracle还支持了lag(rn ignore nulls)和lead(rn ignore nulls) 需求,取最新的数据行,但是如果最新的数据行某列中没有数据,那么取次新行某列中的数据: 案例一: SQL>SQL>select*fromtab_1; ID COL2 COL_TIME SHUJU_ID--- --- --- ---1tijian02-MAR-21...