Christians will be raptured, the ‘first’ resurrection (Rev 20:6). The ‘wicked one’ of 2 Thess 2:3(?) {we have labeled him ‘anti-christ’} will be revealed. The Scarlot Coloured Beast Leader (Rev 13) The wrath of God will be poured upon all mankind {countries/kingdoms/nations/...
I speak, of course, of the settler communities of Canada, Australia, and New Zealand reuniting with their founder. A bipartisan poll has shown massive support in all four countries. While keeping their own parliaments, they propose to operate in unison in such areas as freedom of movement, j...
Another example is the doctrine of Imams being infallible guides who are superior to the Prophets of Allah (God forbid). I think even a reasonable and objective non-Muslim expert on Islam would agree such a doctrine is alien to the core teaching of Islam based on the Quran and Prophet Muha...