This is no ordinary grab bag of jump scares and grisly kills: The Last of Us respects its genre but works to defy its creakiest tropes. By David Sims FULL REVIEW SEASON 1 80 New York Magazine (Vulture) Jan 10, 2023 Fight scenes and gun battles are filmed as if the viewer is lo...
The Last of Us for PS3 has often been hailed as a masterpiece, but after attwmpts at playing through this game, I found it to be a largely overrated experience. What should have been an engaging post-apocalyptic journey felt like a predictable slog, with little to keep me invested beyond...
It is significant thatThe Last of Usis based on a popular video game that itself went out of its way to upend horror tropes. Druckmann, co-creator of the game franchise, told Variety that he “wanted to do the opposite ofResident Evil . . . which is all about enemy variety....
Troy Baker tried to warn us. The voice-over actor, who portrays Joel in The Last of Us series, told us that we weren’t ready for The Last of Us 2 – and he was right. Whether you’ve caught spoilers, watched trailers or just have your own expectations of what The Last of Us 2...
That repetition is more noticeable in the actual game design. Naughty Dog tends to reuse the same tropes and scene setups to create artificial conflict. Several moments of the game involve a character walking toward a location, only to have the ground collapse under them and send them on some...
”i’m not an anti-progress, back-to-the-stone-age guy. but we must regulate ourselves or something will come and regulate us against our will.” there’s also a genuine attempt to explore the traditional tropes of the apocalyptic setting, like the descent into hobbesian sadism. in the ...
Moments of gore, suspense, and seriousness broken up by hilariously clever nods to the bad CGI and questionable tropes of the 80's and 90's. A surprisingly catchy soundtrack and heaps of interesting framing/lighting choices. Fun, deliciously corny effects. A cast that clearly has a passion ...
It knowingly leans into the tropes of the genre, such as guilt by association and the inevitable escalation of matching an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. But those cliches are often subverted, playing into the expansive and not-so-straightforward path ahead. Ellie’s journey grows...
Naughty Dog’s new cinematic action game The Last of Us is that house, built on the skeleton of so many post-apocalyptic stories before it. At every turn, it embraces the tropes of zombie fiction—the fall of government, the refugee-camp cities, the scrawled goodbye notes, the roving band...
and one for questioning the tropes of migration narratives in an imagined decolonized space where modernity and commoditization have not taken hold and an alternative migration journey is thus depicted: one that differently incorporates the experience of being other(ed) with ...