Back beforeThe Last of Us Part 2was even a twinkle in writer and director Neil Druckman’s eye,The Last of Usexisted as a standalone story, meaning that the ending wastheending. There was no epilogue, no resolution, nothing but that final exchange between Ellie and Joel, and the conclus...
The Last of Us™ Part I Left Behind P2 UnrealDudu 1 0 最华丽的2D格斗游戏NEOGEO竞技场全人物超必杀演示,SNK和世嘉合作的neogeo battle coliseum!! CoolSoul-酷魂極限操作 3576 165 【赛马娘/熟肉】中山庆典个人剧情 ykqkwy 1973 20 (米哈拉羁绊十剧情)和米哈拉亲亲 Vilgir 1.1万 9 Mame0.249精选集...
Even more importantly, Joel’s actions in theLast of Usfinale help tie together the HBO show’s various themes about love and grief. For a show that is so intent on exploring how love has the power to both save and destroy us, it’s only fitting that the ending ofThe Last of Usseas...
Naughty Dog have a Last Of Us Part 3 "concept" and it's not the previously revealed "small story" about Tommy But Part 2 would still make "a fine ending point" Certain animations - like the one where you repeatedly help Ellie climb over a ledge - pull you back into...
One of the most renowned games of all time has been perfected. If you have the right specs, that is. Find out in our The Last of Us Part 1 Review.
Happy Ending,放下饮料和爆米花盒,大步走出影院。没有电影会让英雄难堪,至少在最后结局上。 但Joel不是英雄。《The Last of Us》结局让人玩味的地方,正是在于他用Joel的选择告诉玩家:你扮演的并不是一个英雄,而是一个彻头彻尾”自私“的人。这个男人原本是个为生计奔波劳碌的普通单亲父亲,在灾难中失去女儿...
In a masterful way, the season prepared us for this finale all along. Joel’s actions in the hospital, while abhorrent, are not out of character. Not only did other antagonists (Kathleen, David) have layered backstories or motives that were more complex than just “pure evil,” Joel was...
Searching for a cure, which in TWD stopped being a problem after Eugene,but the ending of The LAst of Us, showing that even after all the choices, all the problems to try to obtain a cure, nothing was more important than Ellie and Joel staying together. Pretty cool. Helpful•52 3 ...
“There’s not as much violent action”: The Last of Us Season 2 Differs in One Key Way to the Game Says Neil Druckmann 2/5/2025 by Rouvin Quirimit Thumb Wars How (and why) The Last of Us HBO show is changing Abby from the video game ...