While some fans and players are celebrating theThe Last of Us Part II'smultiple victories, there are those who've expressed their displeasure, going as far as to accuse The Game Awards' voting committee of rigging the results inTLoU Part II'sfavor. Thesubredditis an especially contentious p...
The Last of Us Part II is a continuation of The Last of Us universe and a direct sequel to the original title. It takes place five years after the events of The Last of Us and sees players taking control of two characters, Ellie and Abby. Players will be
It's been a tough year riddled with delays, but The Last of Us Part II at last launches today, this 19 June 2020. The continuation to Ellie's story has been hyped to hell and back, and from our impressions and review, it's lived up to those expectations.
19, 2020. I think it's safe to say that fans could definitely use a little break from the chaos so, in light of that, Reddit userApeinatorhas recreated Ellie's incredible melee animations taken from the E3's 2018The Last of Us Part 2gameplay reveal trailer and reenacted them inDreams...
在12月初的PSX 2016,《美国末日2(The Last of Us: Part Ⅱ)》正式公布,作为玩家们期待已久的顽皮狗精品之作。游戏的进展也是深受玩家们的关注。最新消息显示,目前主人公艾莉的动作捕捉工作已经开始。 顽皮狗创意总监Neil Druckmann在自己的推特上贴出了一张照片,正是在《美国末日》中为艾莉配音的艾什莉·约翰逊(...
Dr. Uckmann briefly talked about it in a podcast and revealed that Naughty Dog is not working on The Last of Us 3, or any other big project at the moment, and their next big game might not be The Last of Us 3. So the takeaway here is even if they decide to make it, since it...
she encountersone ofThe Last of Us 2's most fearsome enemies. In this sequence, Ellie must battle a bloater and a small mob of runners on a floor full of destructible arcade cabinets. However, Redditor The84th has shared a video where the bloater inadvertently assists the player as a ru...
…that during the episode "When You're Lost in the Darkness", in the background of Lone Star Watch & Jewelry store that Sarah visits, one can see the eye symbol that is a part of Ellie's bracelet given to her by Dina in The Last of Us Part II? …that Tess is named after the ...
It’s what made the last season of Game of Thrones so hated. It’s contrived inorganic nonsense. The Last of Us 2 is full of things like that. Doing a death fakeout with Tommy didn’t further the story. Jesse’s presence in Seattle and death didn’t further the story. Half of the...
The Last of Us Part II Remastered: The Kotaku Review Discover all the soul-crushing charm of Seattle all over again Jen Glennon Discover Games Summary A third person shooter/stealth/survival hybrid, in which twenty years after the outbreak of a parasitic fungus which takes over the neural func...