with the emphasis on the,” says Stratton. From his gear locker in the ready room, Stratton offers me his helmet to inspect. The visor is nearly opaque, and the shell is embedded with magnetic sensors that transmit real-time spatial data from a pilot’s head position to receivers...
Does less damage than 236236AB if any hits uncombo, making it pointless near the corner. Morning Star Lance - 236236B 236236B Comeback time Damage Startup Active Recovery State Frame Adv Meter Guard Cancel Tech 141/1 16-56 10 16 Any KD/-16 0 M x/x Ground A short range, ...
While having the Spirit Axe, mesmer clones will also spawn with it, and will deal massive damage. Since clones will usually start with Griffon Strike if they are summoned near the enemy, equipping illusion utilities like Mirror Images and summoning them in melee range to the enemy will deal ...
Last weekend was one of the best I've had in a long time! It was packed full of fun activities from start to finish. I'm going to tell you all about it. It started on Friday after school. My best friend Jake came over and we played video games for a few hours. We've been re...
She understood now, like a lightning strike to the head, that it wasn’t going to change. It was never, ever going to change. She was going to be fifty-seven years old and still living, dateless, in her parents’ house. Her brothers would still swarm around her like living armor eve...
Ablazing, ruthless love. I can’t imagine a more perfect phrase, and for me, this year, in this life, I can’t imagine a more perfect album. •Bandcamp THAT REAL NICE SHORT SHIT Sometimes I think to myself,Everything should be an album. Most of the time, I want to listen to ...
In no time, he becomes a pawn, first of the scheming Chertkov and then of the wounded, vengeful Sofya as each plots to undermine the other's gains. Complicating Valentin's life even further is the overwhelming passion he feels for the beautiful, spirited Masha (Kerry Condon), a free ...
Before Yeon-seo has time to react, Black Cap pushes her off the roof. She goes hurtling down, when with a strike of lightning, Dan appears in the sky in all his winged glory. She reaches out to him, and he easily catches her and sets her on the ground. It’s only then that she...
At the same time, providing branded protective equipment will not only keep everyone safe but also presents clients with opportunities to market their business. As it is likely that more countries will lift travel restrictions in the near future, have a ready plan for managing the travel boom. ...
PHELPS First assisted me in Austria when she was fourteen. I would say she does... Her apron is stained. Hawkeye sees this may be her first time in the New World, but it's not her first military campaign. Still angered at Munro's dismissive response, he's nevertheless falling for ...