Players with 1 life have to hunt down green (3+ lives) or yellow (2 lives) names. These numbers are configurable. All players with 2+ lives may /givelife <another player> to give one of their lives to another. The Twist...
javascript microsoft plugin java minecraft server life mod gamemode one hardcore last datapack onelife lastlife alexkhoen1 khoen evrotipi Updated Feb 15, 2022 mcfunction jenorish / lazy_find Star 3 Code Issues Pull requests Simplified the first,last,take methods in ActiveRecord rails activerec...
Sword art online+last life: With ButterJaffa, Ch3k, Koopekul. ButterJaffa begins his journey in the world of Sword Art Online
ModdedMinecraftis having a security moment, to match what we’ve seen in the Python and JavaScript repositories over the last few months. It looks like things started whena handful of burner accounts uploaded malicious modsto Curseforge and Bukkit. Those mods looked interesting enough, that a dev...