She feels like a stranger in her own life until she stumbles upon an impassioned letter... (展开全部) The Last Letter from Your Lover的创作者 ··· 乔乔·莫伊斯 作者 喜欢读"The Last Letter from Your Lover"的人也喜欢 ··· Me Before You 8.4 我来说两句 短评 ··· ( 全部9 ...
最近Netflix推出的一部新电影,改编于Jojo Moyes 2012 年同名小说,导演 Augustine Frizzell 通过追溯及时空穿插的拍摄手法讲述了一段禁忌的爱情故事。 电影开始,导演采用了60年代时尚流行爱情歌曲为音乐背景,鲜…
Jojo Moyes is the #1New York Timesbestselling author ofThe Giver of Stars, Still Me, Paris for One and Other Stories, After You, One Plus One, The Girl You Left Behind, Me Before You, The Last Letter from Your Lover, The Horse Dancer, Night Music, Silver Bay, The Ship of B...
you are not the first marriedwoman I have made love to. You know my personal circumstancesand, to be frank, these relationships, such as they are, have suitedme. I did not want to be close to anyone. When we first met, Ichose to think you would be no different.But when you arrived...
The last letter from your lover :过去会让人陶醉 你可能沉缅于其中产生幻觉 觉得过去更美好更快乐 精力也更加丰富充实 它有可能会压垮你让你身心痛苦 心碎和失望的回忆 让你没有勇气再次追逐幸福 俗话说没有吸取教训的错误还会再犯 但我们是否也能学着放掉过去 学会勇往直前 在铭记教训的同时又不会让它阻碍...
The Last Letter from Your Lover.The article presents a review of the book "The Last Letter From Your Lover" by Jojo Moyes.PierceFt.JulieFt.K.Ft.AUTHORFt.Library JournalMoyes, J. (2011). The last letter from your lover: A novel. New York: Pamela Dorman Books/Viking....
Netflix新片《爱人的最后一封情书》改编自Jojo Moyes的同名小说,由Augustine Frizzell导演。影片以60年代的流行爱情歌曲作为背景音乐,将Jennifer与Anthony的爱情故事娓娓道来。他们在希腊美丽的海岸相遇,这段恋情虽受道德谴责,却成为他们寻找灵魂伴侣的旅程。故事不时穿插现代,记者Ellie在故纸堆中发现Jennifer...
The Last Letter from Your LoverBuy from... When journalist Ellie looks through her newspaper’s archives for a story, she doesn’t think she’ll find anything of interest. Instead she discovers a letter from 1960, written by a man asking his lover to leave her husband – and Ellie is...
用电影学英文:The Last Letter From Your Lover 猫叔Barry 144次播放 2:01:07160. 用电影学英文: Way Down (The Vault) 猫叔Barry 120次播放 2:14:28161. 用电影学英文: He's All That 猫叔Barry 128次播放 1:59:41162. 用电影学英文: Reminiscence 猫叔Barry 141次播放 2:17:14163. 用电影学英文...
The Last Letter from Your Lover 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 类似图书 点击查看全场最低价 出版者: 作者:Jojo Moyes 出品人: 页数:390 译者: 出版时间:2012-6 价格:$ 18.08 装帧: isbn号码:9780143121107...