West Yorkshire Valleys Season 7 Episode 3 Episode SummaryIn this episode of “Susan Calman’s Grand Days Out” titled “West Yorkshire Valleys,” airing on Channel 5, Susan embarks on an adventurous journey with her trusty camper van Helen. The episode takes viewers on a scenic exploration of...
this really wasn’t his idea. Coon pitched the story that would eventually become this episode back in the first season and while Gene Roddenberry liked it, the network didn’t. Fast forward two years
Another catastrophe, the destruction of the shuttle Challenger just after liftoff in 1986, also killed seven astronauts. The remaining orbiters, Atlantis, Discovery and Endeavour, will now retire to museums. Discovery will go on display at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum's Udvar-Hazy...
Atlantis will go on display at the Kennedy Space Center Visitors Center, while Discovery will go to the Smithsonian and Endeavour will be sent to the California Science Center in Los Angeles. NASA is hoping American commercial space companies will soon be able to fill the space transportation ...