Experience the power of online ministry with Last Days Harvest Ministries, a non-denominational church dedicated to spreading the word of God in the last days.
I will pour out My Spirit in those days;And they shall prophesy. I will show wonders in heaven above And signs in the earth beneath:Blood and fire and vapor of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness,And the moon into blood,Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the...
It has to be the “unlearned and ordinary’ taking the lead because the “wise” would never get the job done. They are too dependent on the praise of their peers, too fearful of their academic reputation being marred, too full of themselves to seriously tackle a door-to-door ministry, ...
Strategic Remnant Learning Center Training the Remnant for the Last Days Search for: Menu Unveiling the Dark Priesthood: Biblical Prophecy, End Times and Spiritual Warfare – Part 2 Admin_2022November 21, 2024Kingdom Priesthood Series Dive deep into the mysteries of the Kingdom Priesthood with Dr...
The sight of so many women on the streets is mildly shocking. In the old days, women would move around in blue burqas. Now, there are also plenty of young women wearing floaty, patterned tunics over jeans. They cover their hair with loose head scarfs and go about their business in pair...
末世中教会里作恶的成员 EVIL CHURCH MEMBERS IN THE LAST DAYS (Simplified Chinese) 海罗伯博士(Dr. R. L. Hymers, Jr.)著 主日,二○一二年五月二十七日早 于洛杉矶浸信会幕所宣之道 A sermon preached at the Baptist Tabernacle of Los Angeles ...
A failed assasination attempt in the spring of 1741 left Nader Shah with a dead horse and a wounded thumb. His son, Reza Qoli Mirza, suspected of involvement in the plot, paid for it with his eyesight. While the Porte feared an invasion once the Indian c
Have you been telling yourself it's hopeless—to late to start now? Have you wanted toreallymake a difference? Is there really HOPE for an education that’s affordable and a way to really DO something meaningfulnow? Yes! There'sEducationalHope at Last ...
Remember: the enemy, in the last days, will come into the church. Watch, Fast, Pray. There will be a Great Falling Away! THE VISION [15] I saw riots, chaos, murder, lack of food, people will be like animals. It will make room for the One World Government, the One World Money,...
That’s been taking up every working hour, 7 days a week for the last 5 years. Crazy, eh! But that’s the aviation history and book biz for you — if your plan is to get out the best such book possible. By sticking at it, I’ll be publishing the book later in the fall. Not...