To get the date of the last day of the month in Excel, use the EOMONTH (End of Month) function. 1. For example, get the date of the last day of the
InRow 1the dates are calculated back based on the value entered inCell D1. The other dates are always counted back to thelast day of the month. For this I use the following formula inCells A1:C1 C1=DATE(YEAR(D1),MONTH(D1-1),) This formula works fine for all datesexceptfor thefir...
The tutorial explains the nuts and bolts of Excel MONTH and EOMONTH functions. You will find an array of formula examples demonstrating how to extract month from date in Excel, get the first and last day of the month, convert month name to number and more. In the previous article, we exp...
Method 2 – Detect the Last Day of the Previous Month with the Excel DATE Function Steps: Choose the cell where you wish to get the last day of the previous month. We selected cellC5. Use the following formula in the cell. =DATE(YEAR(B5),MONTH(B5),0) Hit theEnterkey. How Does th...
2.To return the last working day of a month: Please enter this formula: =WORKDAY(DATE(YEAR(B1),MONTH(B1)+1,1),-1) to extract the last working days of a given month date, see screenshots:Related articles: How to add / subtract days / months / years to date in Excel?
This tutorial provides a formula to find the last specific weekday of the current month based on the given date in Excel. If you want to follow along with this tutorial, please download the example spreadsheet. Generic formula:EOMONTH(date,0)+1-WEEKDAY(EOMONTH(date,0)+1-weekday_num))...
In excel just type in 1/31/1991 then in the next row type 2/28/1991 then drag letting autofill do the rest otherwise use dateadd() and add a month to the last date of each month something like Dim x As Integer For x = 0 To 120 Debug.Print DateAdd("m", x, "...
This example returns the date of the last day of the current month: MsgBox CreateObject("Excel.Application").WorksheetFunction.EOMonth(Now(), 0) A more verbose method, as a function: Function eoMonth_LateBound(dt As Date) As Date Dim xl As Object Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Application"...
This tutorial shows you how to find the last weekday of the month in Excel. To get the last weekday in a month (i.e. the last Saturday, the last Friday,
Automatically converting MO/00/YR to the last day of the month Hi, I work in a lab where we use excel 365 to document out quality control. Some of the reagents we use have the expiration as MO/year. I want to know if there is a way for us to put MO/00/yr ...