长板速降 鹿的黄昏 傍晚夜滑速降 || Luke Spud / Dusk On The Deer 03:19 长板速降 三个火枪手 结伴速降 || The three Musketeers // RAW RUN 02:27 长板速降 梦见暴风雨 //生滑 || Dreaming of a Storm // Raw Run 04:13 长板速降 2022年最佳长板速降 || SUMMERDUMP - 9.81 Skateboards...
The last weekend of Arizona quail season has come and gone. I had a few hours to head out to an area that I wanted to hike in to and explore for future deer and javelina hunt. Although I toted the shotgun in, the shells never left my pocket and I spent quite a bit of time be...
> The deer is a main-frame 12-point with an additional small unusual point. The buck gross-scored 182 3/8″ with a net score of 174 6/8. The rack has very tall tines, with 3 of them each over 10″ long, plus brow tines measuring [number left out] and 7 5/8″. …estimated ...
Figures Up in Deer Kills from Last SeasonDespite cries from some quarters that Pennsylvania's deer herdhas been decimated, hunters...By FryeBob
I hoped the impending snowstorm would put the deer into an early feeding mode. "Would I finally fill a tag today?" I thought. The entire season had been fruitless; it was either too warm or too windy, and then there were the two misses. But I remained optimistic, looking forward to ...
The first season of the television series The Last of Us premiered on HBO on January 15, 2023, with the episode "When You're Lost in the Darkness", and ended on March 12, 2023, with the episode "Look for the Light". The first episode details life leading
"Attacks are so rare that a person here has a greater chance of being killed by a dog, lightning, a bee sting, or a car collision with a deer than being injured by a wolf" said Matt.Fee did think about drawing back, if less heroic, during the heat of battle. The moment the wolf...
Because my parents have identification documents, they only bought me one ticket. I went to the car again, ready to take a car to the Beast Zone. After driving a short distance, I entered the Beast Zone. There are deer, tigers, lions inside... and then we went to the circus outside...
And I saw a baby deer laying on the ground, obviously suffering from heavy loss of water and heat exhaustion, lift its head with great effort to lap(舔) up the water cupped in my beautiful boy’s hand. I stood on the edge of the woods watching the most beautiful heart I have ever ...
, several more deer appeared out of the fog. My youngest daughter was excited to see the deer and wanted to pet them. I quickly advised her not to, informing her that deer could be dangerous, especially the adult males. But I began to take note to the enormous amount of deer that ...