Convert the AD property 'accountExpires' to readable date time convert tiff to pdf convert to 24 hr time Convert word document to text file using powershell ConvertFrom-Json ConvertFrom-SecureString fails in remote powershell session even though WSManCredSSP is configured for both client and server...
Pointer to a DATE value that identifies the time. Return value If the function succeeds, the function returns S_OK. If the function fails, it returns an HRESULT value that indicates the error. Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table. Fo...
Save the date for the 2024 Holiday Book Festival and Closeout Sale hosted by the White House Historical Association! Since 1962, the White House Historical Association has produced award-winning books on many subjects related to the history of the President's... ...
To restore a snapshot, select the desired snapshot from the list and click on the Restore button. Please mark this as helpful or solution ac...
Our results thus suggest that we can expect a transition to seasonal sea-ice in the southern Lincoln Sea for a global mean warming of 2 °C compared to the PI. Under high greenhouse gas emission scenarios (SSP2-4.6, SSP3-7.0, and SSP5-8.5), 2 °C warming (compared to PI) will...
Allegations of corruption and unfair treatment has tarnished the hard work of many traffic officers – SSP Neiko Senior Superintendent of Police Serupepeli Neiko says allegations of corruption, unfair treatment, unprofessional behaviour to name a few ha...
He says Police do not want to dwell too much on what has transpired in the past as they are more focused on helping the people of Kadavu come to a workable solution on the way forward. Click here for stories on the Drugs Situation in Fiji ...
ms-TPM-Tpm-Information-for-Computer-BL ms-TS-Allow-Logon ms-TS-Broken-Connection-Action ms-TS-Connect-Client-Drives ms-TS-Connect-Printer-Drives ms-TS-Default-To-Main-Printer ms-TS-Endpoint-Data ms-TS-Endpoint-Plug-In ms-TS-Endpoint-Type MS-TS-ExpireDate MS-TS-ExpireDate2 MS-TS-Expire...
Determine timestamp for last login onto terminal server: this earlier discussed thread i.e. Get last logon time,computer and username together with Powershell:
Convert the AD property 'accountExpires' to readable date time convert tiff to pdf convert to 24 hr time Convert word document to text file using powershell ConvertFrom-Json ConvertFrom-SecureString fails in remote powershell session even though WSManCredSSP is configured for both client and ser...