Asymptomatic spread of COVID-19 never occurs–Inaccurate “The California study finds that vaccinated individuals are more susceptible to COVID variant infections than unvaccinated”–Inaccurate Overall, we rate The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) as far-right biased and questionable based on the u...
LISA GREENE-LEWIS: Yes, and I want to remind people of those. Because usually, you have to itemize your deductions to take charitable contributions. But under COVID relief, now you can claim up to $300 in cash charitable contributions of $300, and then if you're married ...
He also took issue with foreign aid and other elements of the bill he found wasteful and not tied to Covid relief."I simply want to get our great people $2000, rather than the measly $600 that is now in the bill." Also, stop the billions of dollars in 'pork,&a...
The U.S. ran its largest deficit in history in FY20 at the peak of the pandemic, with a more than $3.1 trillion shortfall. The second-largest deficit occurred a year later, hitting $2.7 trillion in FY21. As some COVID-19 relief programs expired in FY22, the deficit dipped to $...
The budget also begins allocating federal COVID-19 relief funds, including $500 million for aid to renters and $250 million in help for utility rate payers. There will also be $600 million over three years to provide an additional year of special education for 22-year-olds with disabilities...
The Stanford Virality Project (VP) was involved in the flagging and push-to-censor several threads and accounts writing “true but inconvenient to the narrative” stories surrounding COVID-19, such as the strength of natural immunity, the fact that the vaccination does not stop the spread, or...
There are two types ofCOVID-19-related scams. The first is when folks obtain financial and insurance information from individuals in exchange for (what should be free) tests and vaccinations. The other involves scammers capitalizing on the increase in online shopping, stealing money or banking in...
Covid is back, and so are the Covid extremists. We are once again witnessing demands for the return of face masks in hospitals on social media, even in newspaper leader columns, though there is little evidence they prevented the spread of the virus in the first place. The call comes aft...
The Nissan chairman, Carlos Chiappori, felt relief that his wife had been allowed to leave, together with considerable trepidation. During the night, the MRTA rebels burst into each of the rooms, turned on the overhead lights and brandished guns and hand grenades. “If Fujimori attacks us,...
The growth in IT exports value was driven by the foreign clients moved from Indian companies to Pakistani companies in a post-COVID-19 scenario. The government could double the exports from $2 billion per annum to $4 billion per annum by the next two years, with a concrete roadmap for ...