3. last but not least coming last in order but nevertheless important 4. last but one next to last 5. only remaining: one's last cigarette. 6. most extreme; utmost 7. least suitable, appropriate, or likely: he was the last person I would have chosen. 8. (esp relating to the en...
DEMEK, J., HAVLIyEK, M., CHRUDINA, Z. AND MACKOVyIN, P., 2008: Changes in land- use and the river network of the graben Dyjsko-Svratecky uval (Czech Republic) in the last 242 years. Journal of Landscape Ecology, 1 (2): 22 - 51....
The captive Mek sat plotting mischief, Xanten well knew. Without its quills it must feel depersonified, bewildered, but Xanten told himself that it would not do to doze. The road led through a town, certain structures of which yet stood. Not even the Nomads took refuge in these old towns...
The last remaining Dragon Tree Forest on Earth survives on a small plateau (Roqeb di Firmihin) in Socotra Island (Yemen). The Socotran Dragon’s Blood Tree (Dracaena cinnabari Balf. f.) is endemic to the Socotra Archipelago UNESCO World Heritage Site. Be
It is presumed that this Work writ not only be generally useful to the Nobility, Clergv, aud Gentry ; but irticularlv to the MAGISTRACY, of the Kingdom, in the Direction of Warrants, apd in- ail Parochial and County business— To SOLICITORS, iu Framing Indictments, and in other Matters...
Similar to the period ca. 1220–1250 CE, the different climate trajectories in the simulated hydro-climate patterns of the two models suggest that the precipitation anomalies for the period 1260–1450 CE (Fig.8a, b) are not linked to the impact of external forcing but are governed by the ...