In short, it should only take the last 3 months for the product to have generated sales. The desired output I'm looking for is this Product 3months Avg sale ABC 333 PQR 466 LMN 400 Anyone Please Help!@amitchandak , @Greg_Deckler , @Sahir_Maharaj ,@Ahmedx Everyone Please Help!
3-Months Avg Sales = VAR LastSaleMonth = CALCULATE( MAX('Table'[Month]), FILTER( ALL('Table'[Month]), 'Table'[Product] = MAX('Table'[Product]) && 'Table'[Sales] > 0 && 'Table'[Month] <= MAX('Table'[Month]) ) ) VAR SalesLast3Months = CALCULATE( AVERAGE('Table'[Sales]),...
適用於:Microsoft 報表產生器 (SSRS) Power BI Report Builder SQL Server Data Tools 中的報表設計師 傳回編頁報告中,指定運算式所指定之範圍中的最後一個值。 注意 您可以在 Microsoft 報表產生器、Power BI Report Builder,以及 SQL Server Data Tools 的報表設計師中,建立及修改編頁報告定義 (.rdl...
public LastMitigationActionOnJob withActionDateTimeInUtc(OffsetDateTime actionDateTimeInUtc) Set the actionDateTimeInUtc property: Action performed date time. Parameters: actionDateTimeInUtc - the actionDateTimeInUtc value to set. Returns: the LastMitigationActionOnJob object itself.with...
...是在PowerBI的用户中,有90%的人并不真正理解日期表以及日期智能函数背后运行的本质。为了方便,PowerBI向用户隐藏了日期智能函数的复杂性。...那么,如果考察: Sales.PY = CALCULATE( [Sales] , SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR( Dates[Date] ) ) 你会发现它并不能正常工作。...总结 我们梳理一下本文涉及的PowerBI...
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The wait is over. PowerApps and Power BI can play together, regardless of who’s hosting! We already showed you how you can embed your app inside a Power BI dashboard. Now with the new Power BI tile control, you can show your Power BI tiles inside your a
LASTNONBLANK的语法是:LASTNONBLANK (<column>,<expression>)其返回的是按当前上下文筛选,计算所得非空的中的最后一个值。它像SUMX一样,为值设置了一个行上下文,然后通过使 用该行上下文对进行计算。举例如下:下表记录的是每个产品不同时间的库存情况,如果库存为空代表库存量没变。我们想计算出每个产品的...
I dette laboratoriet begynner du å bruke transformasjoner på hver av spørringene som ble opprettet i forrige øvelse. Deretter bruker du spørringene til å laste inn hver av dem som en tabell på den semantiske modellen.
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