While rare, there are some potential long-term risks associated with Lasik surgery. These can include under or overcorrection, which may require further enhancement procedures, and the development of halos, glare, or starbursts around lights, particularly at night. It is crucial to discuss these r...
My surgeon is pushing me to let him do an enhancement, which he claims may help with the halos and starbursts, but he seems to have no understanding about what is causing them in the first place. Yes, my surgeon did indicate on his consent form that the cornea will be weakened for up...
each patient has about a 95% chance of only requiring a single treatment to achieve their desired visual outcome. Approximately, less than 5% return to the laser for enhancement of any residual astigmatism, or a slight over or under-correction. “Since having the surgery, I don’t have to ...
I decided to go ahead with a prk enhancement back in february which was about a year after my original lasik. This time the dr had me start drops and oral anitibiotics a week before the surgery. He said my eyelids seemed to inflame easily. Also used eye wash pads to clean them every...