LASIK is a form of refractive surgery, also known as corrective eye surgery. Refractive surgery encompasses a multitude of procedures designed to treat and correct refractive errors including nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism. Refractive errors cause patients to need...
Laser vision correction methods like LASIK provide precision results and fewer complications. Advanced, automated lasers reshape the cornea to reduce the need for corrective lenses. LASIK and Refractive Surgery Services Our vision correction surgeons are at the forefront of using leading-edge LASIK techni...
LASER EYE SURGERY PROCEDURE The surgery should take less than 30 minutes as an outpatient procedure. You lie on your back on an operating chair, a drop of anaesthetic is placed in the eye and a lid speculum is used to hold the eyelids open. A ring is placed on the eye and pressure is...
Once this procedure is complete, the surgeon folds the flap back down for healing. Who is Eligible for LASIK Eye Surgery? LASIK is useful for many vision problems that require corrective lenses. LASIK eye surgery is an option for both nearsighted and farsighted individuals, and can help those...
LASIK is a safe, highly effective procedure that can correct common vision issues such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism by reshaping the cornea. This results in better, more stable vision and reduces or eliminates dependence on corrective lenses. Additionally, LASIK can be cost-...
Yes, you will be awake for your entire LASIK corrective eye surgery procedure. Some people assume because they are undergoing a surgical procedure that they will be given anesthesia and be put to sleep. Yet, unlike other types of surgeries, laser surgery only takes a few minutes to complete....
As your eyes heal in the weeks and months following LASIK, your vision will continue improving. Things will look sharper, clearer, and more detailed than ever before. You’ll be able to wake up and see without the need for corrective lenses. ...
Restoring Your Vision Corrective Procedures We simply can't live our lives to the fullest if we're not able to see what lies ahead. Whether you've noticed a decline in your vision or have found that you've been born with eyesight that needs adjustment, we offer a number of advanced ...
LASIK, or Laser-assisted in situ keratomileuses, is a popular laser refractive procedure that can serve as an alternative to wearing corrective lenses. It’s used to correct vision problems. In LASIK surgery, a precise laser is used to alter the curved transparent tissue at the front of the...
LASIK can be a fantastic solution for those who are tired of relying on their glasses or contact lenses. Our goal at the MidWest Eye Center is for all our LASIK surgery patients to be able to enjoy performing their daily activities without needing corrective lenses. ...