GitHub地址 GitHub - tzhangZJU/OdomLaserCalibraTool: Extrinsic Calibration of a Odom and 2d Laser 作者博客 2d Laser 和 Odomter 内外参数标定工具原理及使用方法_知行合一-CSDN博客 其实只是记录了一下我自己的标定过程,和错误解决方法。其实解决方法在作...
GitHub - tzhangZJU/OdomLaserCalibraTool: Extrinsic Calibration of a Odom and 2d Laser 2d Laser 和 Odomter 内外参数标定工具原理及使用方法_知行合一-CSDN博客 Error1 这个是由于odom消息的类型不对 代码如下 把代码中的三段按照自己的里程计话题类型进...
MegviiRobot / OdomLaserCalibraTool代码浅解析 技术标签: slam一共分为4步 step-1 read data from rosbag 从rosbag读取数据 step-2: converting scan to csm type 将激光数据转换为csm格式 step-3: canonical match match 经典的icp匹配,计算2帧数据之间的x,y,angle step-4 start synchronzing,解算激光与...
laser-odom_calibration 1. Prerequisites ubuntu 16.04 + ROS Kinetic Eigen3 2. Usage cd catkin_ws/src git clone cd .. catkin_make source devel/setup.bash roslaunch example.launch INPUT: ...
laser-odom_calibration 1. Prerequisites ubuntu 16.04 + ROS Kinetic Eigen3 2. Usage cd catkin_ws/src git clone cd .. catkin_make source devel/setup.bash roslaunch example.launch INPUT: ...
Odomknite skener. Sprostite optični bralnik. .ةيئوضلا ةحساملا لفق حتفا Remove protective film from control panel. Uklonite zaštitni film s upravljačke ploče. Z ovládacího panelu odstra te ochrannou fólii. Távolítsa el...
localurface normal estimation.ealizinghesehortcomings,his paper proposes new echomplitude normalizationpproach, where each echo's incidencengle is estimatedasedn illumination directionnd localurfacerientation.he localurfacerientation estimationethodomputeshe normalon individual pointsingheinimum numberf ...
Thermometric detectors (i.e., pyrometers and bolometers) are often used in the UV range as calibration standards. Although they are useful as radiometric standards, these detectors are very slow, and their response is not wavelength-dependent. Semiconductor photon detectors are small, lightweight,...