Rectangular spot size (mm2): 10 × 2 Authors found that HEA coating exhibited high wear resistance at the 2.6 kW and 4 mm/s. Wear protection of cutting tools Guo et al. [89] AlCrFeCoNi onto 1100 Aluminum substrate using Nd: YAG laser Pulse Power (kW): 1 and 1.2Scan ...
Actually, the whole voltage is n times higher than that of the S-PVLPC minus n(kT/q)ln(n), n being the number of subcells and the rest of the symbols with their usual meaning), whereas the current of the whole device is the same as that of a subcell (n times lower than that...
When the biofilms on the carriers from sites 26 mb, 26 db, and 36 mb were analysed, in terms of the number of cells of six distinct morphotypes present on the 6 mm2 surface area [Figure 4], it was obvious that the colonisation was very luxuriant and that the three sulci differed very...
Furthermore, four rectangular grooves with an area of 1.8 × 7 mm2 and depth of 0.05 mm were carved on each QTF prong surface in order to provide a reduced electrical resistance R without affecting the quality factor Q. Such a modified QTF has a R value of 107.15 kΩ ...
6a, less dependent dimensional error in relation to the PE and SO was obtained for the total length of the specimen (L), meaning that larger dimensions are less influenced by the process parameters [11], [12], [13]. The thickness error (Err B) was very similar for the E1 and E2 ...
LIBS involves focusing a pulsed laser beam with an irradiance of at least 10 MW/mm2 onto a solid, liquid, or gaseous target. The intense photon flux breaks down the target material resulting in a plasma. The excited electronic states in the plasma emit light at characteristic wavelengths, ...
3. The increasing Is leads to the value of Rhy increase rapidly at first, and then level off to become asymptotic to the upper limit. A similar trend also can be found between Is - contact angle and Rhy - contact angle. The threshold value of Rhy and Is are 0.41 and 536 J/mm2 ...
Considering the length of the chamber is 2 mm, the interaction area of the fluids is 0.2 mm2 for the 100 µm high chamber and 1 mm2 for the 500 µm. Figure 6. Theoretical and experimental slope of the intensity profile in the diffusion region versus the pumping pressure for two ...
Parameter Bounding box (mm) Scale (to real measured target) Amount of triangles in mesh Mesh surface area (mm2) Mesh volume (mm3) C2 = v/n C3 = v/a Statue Mesh Model 54 ×188 ×107 1:40 2,224,986 30,157.2 145,749.0 0.066 4.833 Façade Segment Mesh Model 99 ×119 ×55 1:40...