Laser eye surgery is a very common, very safe procedure; however deciding on laser eye surgery is also a big decision. If you're considering laser eye surgery in the near future, please look around our site to not only get the facts about the LASIK procedure but also to determine on ...
Treatment with the 810-nm diode laser (Figure 26-32, Picasso diode laser, AMD Lasers, Indianapolis, Indiana) has been shown to have a significant long-term bactericidal effect in periodontal pockets. A. actinomycetemcomitans, an invasive pathogen associated with the development of periodontal dise...
Raj K. Maturi, MD, PC, Indianapolis, Indiana (11 participants): Raj K. Maturi, MD (I); Ashley M. Harless (C, P, V); Carolee K. Novak, CRC (V); Alisha Ware (P); Thomas Steele, CRA (P); Nicole Ellingwood (P); Lorraine White (P); Charlotte Harris (P). Henry Ford Health...
Standard rodent chow (Harlan Laboratories, Indianapolis, IN, USA) and water ad libitum was provided as per standard protocol at the Ohio State University animal vivarium. During experimentation mice were anesthetized using isoflurane and medical air mixture through a nose cone and placed on a 37...