Publications Chun-Hsiung Wang, Hsin Lee, Yu-Hsiang Hsu, Shu-Sheng Lee, Jiun-Woei Huang, Wen-Jong Wu, and Chih-Kung Lee: Photonic Doppler velocimetry for high-speed fragment generator measurements, published in Optics Express, 2020. Related products Koheras MIKRO Read more Products...
Laser Doppler velocimetry is optical length & speed measurement according to the principle of the laser Doppler effect. Learn more about the technology!
velocimetry 速度测量学 Doppler 多普勒效应 doppler adj.[亦作d-](奥地利物理学家)多普勒的 LASER =Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation 激光器, 受激辐射式光频放大器 laser n. 1.激光 2.激光器; 镭射器 down Doppler 下行多普勒 up Doppler 上行多普勒 laser calibrated 激光校准...
Laser-Doppler velocimetry (LDV) measurements are presented of relative mean velocity and turbulence intensity components inside the impeller passage of a centrifugal fan with twelve backward curved blades at design, under-design, and over-design flow rates. Additional LDV measurements were also performed...
The problem of fibre movement artefact in laser Doppler velocimetry recordings of skin blood flow has been investigated. Beat frequency spectra were obtained for a stationary target, unheated skin, heated skin (43.5°C), with and without blood flow occluded for various induced amounts of fibre mo...
dimensions 10mm x 10mm x 2mm - 20mm x 20mm x 2mm - 10mm x 10mm x 1mm -10mm x 10mm x 0.5mm - AR coated for 780 nm - price Nd:YVO4 crystal a-cut - KTP crystal - Output coupler OC mirror - Nd:YAG crystal 111-cut - LBO crystal - BBO crystals for generating entangled pairs of...