出色材質效果,樣樣可行 搭載40W/50W CO2 雷射管與工業級雷射模組, Beambox / Beambox Pro 擁有令人驚豔的雷射效能及耐久度。設計,一拍即合。 Beam studio 支援各式常用檔案與繪圖軟體,絕佳的兼容性。 SVG / PNG / JPG / DXF / PDF / AI AdobeIllustrator AdobePhotoshop AffinityDesign AutodeskAutoCAD ...
Turn on laser cutter... Ready your design... Start to engrave, cut, or print... Complete project! Your Vision,Any Material For more information, viewmaterial listsof all machines. They love their FLUX Lasers,and you will too Want to be featured here?Message Us. ...
“FLUX’s beamo is both the most compact and least expensive dedicated laser cutter and engraver we’ve seen” 釋放你的創作能量 全新推出的可拆式底蓋設計,讓 beamo 的工作範圍不受高度限制,能夠加工任何尺寸的平面,滿足五花八門的創作需求。小至名片,大至餐桌都是你的藝術媒材。
It’s something that electronics enthusiasts have been doing for a long time, and with the handy Box Maker web app and plugin, making a custom laser cut interlocking box is easier than ever before. Existing as an online calculator and also a laser cutter-friendly Inkscape plugin, you should...
Free laser cutter software for FLUX Lasers, Beam Studio works on desktop, tablet, and mobile, enabling seamless creation.
How to Design and Laser Cut a Game Card Storage Box: In this Instructable I show how to design a card box from the inside out to fit your favorite card game. I do my design in Adobe Illustrator and I cut the parts on a laser cutter. My example is based o
[Joshua] uses a Python program to convert ASCII to an SVG file and uses a laser cutter to burn holes in lengths of paper, which are then connected together to form a longer tape. A logical next step might be to build a feeder that moves a paper tape across the bed of the laser ...
I love my laser cutter because it makes it easy to create nice wood boxes: A convenient way to design such a box is to use http://www.makercase.com. On that page, I enter all the parameters and it will create the drawing for such a box. One way is to exp
MakerCase generates box designs for laser cutters and CNC routers and outputs SVG and DXF files ready for cutting.
The Ultimate Guide to Laser-cut Box Generators: Tabbed, or "finger-jointed" boxes are one of the most versatile things you can make with a laser cutter - the possibilities really are endless. However, getting the right box for your requirements is not al