展馆地址:World Market Center Las Vegas, 475 S Grand Central Parkway, Suite 1615 Las Vegas, NV(Nevada) 89106, U.S.A 场馆面积:100000 平方米 地址位置:美国-内华达-拉斯维加斯 联系电话:800-748-5065 展馆视频 回顾各地展会 展馆介绍 拉斯维加斯国际市场中心位于美国拉斯维加斯市,它拥有10,0000平方米...
拉斯维加斯国际市场中心(World Market Center Las Vegas)位于中央公园大道495号拉斯维加斯内华达州,为500万平方英尺(46万米)。在拉斯维加斯市中心展示家居和酒店合同家具行业,它是世界上最大的家居和酒店家具行业的陈列室建筑群,为国内外买卖双方提供服务。
World Market Center Las Vegas.The article announces appointment of executives at World Market Center Las Vegas, including Sean Doane as the new operations manager, Esmeralda Dominguez as the collections manager and Christine Gargano as the special events coordinator....
Las Vegas Market offers buyers, designers and exhibitors an efficient, effective and compelling market experience.
美国拉斯维加斯国际春季家具展(Las Vegas Market)将于2025年1月26日举行,是由拉斯维加斯世界市场中心(WorldMarketCenter)为美国家具市场筹办的专业国际展会,每年分春夏两季举行,是美国西部著名、大型、专业的家具家居用品展览会。 优质平台:展会宗旨是为家居装修、装饰和礼品业搭建一个具有创新性、可持续性、可盈利性...
The Expo at World Market Center is Downtown Las Vegas’ largest convention center and venue hosting trade shows, weddings, banquets, and more.
Las Vegas Market January 29-February 2, 2023 World Market Center in Las Vegas, Nevada www.LasVegasMarket.com Follow at: @lasvegasmarket onFacebookandTwitterand on Instagram#LVMKT What should an attendee always do or visit at your show?
Las Vegas International Market Center is located in Las Vegas, USA. It has an area of 100000 square meters. The exhibition area is 50000 square meters. There are different types of exhibitions held every year.
Las Vegas Market offers buyers, designers and exhibitors an efficient, effective and compelling market experience.
地址: World Market Center Las Vegas 摘要:World Market Center Las Vegas地址在哪里?怎么去World Market Center Las Vegas?Mr.confs会先生介绍World Market Center Las Vegas的最新信息,包含近期在World Market Center Las Vegas召开的所有会议,交通指南等。