The City of Las Vegas' Vegas Valley Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) treats up to 68 MGD, with a capacity of 91 MGD. The facility includes Headworks, Grit Removal, Primary Treatment, and Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) on an average of 63 MGD; Disinfection, Sludge Thickening, ...
To optimize the enhanced biological phosphorus (P) removal (EBPR) at the City of Las Vegas' Water Pollution Control Facility, the effects of dissolved oxygen (DO) level, hydraulic retention time in aeration basin and the operation mode of UCT versus A2O on phosphorus removal performance were inv...
PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT by and among, Las Vegas Sands Corp., as Seller, Pioneer OpCo, LLC, as OpCo Purchaser, and, VICI Properties L.P., as PropCo Purchaser Dated: As of March 2, 2021 filed by...
The City of Las Vegas Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) is completing an expansion from 66 mgd to 91 mgd. Concurrent with the expansion, there has been an increase in development around the perimeter of the facility. This, coupled with the need to meet air quality requirements, and ...
The City of Las Vegas Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) is completing an expansion from 66 mgd to 91 mgd. Concurrent with the expansion, there has been an increase in development around the perimeter of the facility. This, coupled with the need to meet air quality requirements, and ...
The City of Las Vegas Water Pollution Control Facility has a long history of renewable energy generation. Recently, the WPCF completed a Biogas Augmentation Pilot program that resulted in the achievement of several milestone goals including site-specific information regarding enhanced gas p...
To optimize the enhanced biological phosphorus (P) removal (EBPR) at the City of Las Vegas' Water Pollution Control Facility, the effects of dissolved oxygen (DO) level, hydraulic retention time in aeration basin and the operation mode of UCT versus A2O on phosphorus removal performance were ...
Proceedings of the Water Environment FederationAguiar, A. M. S.; Chavan, P.; Batista, J. R. (2002) Application of Chloramines for Reuse Water Disinfection at the City of Las Vegas Water Pollution Control Facility. Proc. Water Environ. Fed. 75th Annu. Conf. Exposition [CD-ROM], Chicago...
Water Environment Federation 75th annual technical exhibition & conference (WEFTEC 2002)Aguiar, A. M. S.; Chavan, P.; Batista, J. R. (2002) Application of Chloramines for Reuse Water Disinfection at the City of Las Vegas Water Pollution Control Facilit...
Las Vegas, city, seat (1909) of Clark county, southeastern Nevada, known for its casinos and elaborate hotels. The only major city in the American West to have been founded in the 20th century, it grew from a tiny, desert-bound railroad service center to