When you attend PACK EXPO Las Vegas, you have the opportunity to see the latest and greatest advances in packaging and processing technology first hand.
展览地点:墨西哥瓜达拉哈拉Expo Guadalajara 展览规模:700家参展商,16000名专业观众 展览周期:两年一届 展览名称:2025年美国拉斯维加斯包装展Pack Expo Las Vegas 2025 展览时间:2025年9月29日-10月1日 展览地点:美国拉斯维加斯Las Vegas Convention Center 展览规模:2300家参展商,30000名专业观众 展览周期:两年一届...
CHAMPS TRADE SHOWS has established itself as the premier counter-culture, business-to-business trade expo serving the smoke shop industry. Hundreds of exhibitors meet across the country each year face-to-face with thousands of retail and wholesale buyers from all over the world at CHAMPS Trade S...
Pack Expo是由包装机械制造协会(PMMI)主办的国际性包装展览盛会,每年一届,在芝加哥和拉斯维加斯两地轮流举办。自1995年首届成功举办以来,该展已逐渐发展成为北美地区大的包装展,也是国际包装展中极有影响的专业性展会。2023年的Pack Expo与医药展览会同期同地举行,全球规模大、产品范围全面的包装及加工技术展览会的美誉...
名称:Pack Expo Las Vegas 2025 —— 拉斯维加斯国际包装展览会时间:2025年9月29日至10月1日举办周期:每年一届地点:拉斯维加斯国际会展中心主办单位:包装机械制造协会(PMMI)、美国国际交流集团(AIE)组织机构:美国国际交流集团American International Exchange Group服务机构:美国国际交流集团AIE(中国)分公司---深圳...
The 2025 PPAI Expo in Las Vegas is North America’s largest international promotional products tradeshow. PPAI is the trusted leader in the promotional products industry delivering essential knowledge, resources and community to ensure the success of its members, those who manufacture, import and rese...
For over 20 years, Global Gaming Expo (G2E) has been the leader in uniting the global gaming community. Whether engaging in-person or digitally, G2E offers industry leaders a productive, educational, and rewarding way to connect year-round. G2E's strong foundation and location in Las Vegas ...
LAS VEGAS, May 21 (Xinhua) -- Licensing Expo 2024, the world's premier licensing trade show, kicked off in Las Vegas, U.S. state of Nevada, on Tuesday. Thousands of leading retailers, manufacturers and licensees from around the globe gathered at the expo held in Mandalay Bay Convention ...
The Venetian Convention & Expo Virtual Planner® gives you a three-dimensional view of your upcoming gathering. Explore spaces, customize services, and visualize the perfect event. View Virtual Planner Ready to Book? Requesting an event proposal is easy. Simply fill out a short form and share ...
Vegas Display, Inc. is a certified Exhibitor Appointed Contractor (EAC) and has all the required insurance and documentation to work at the Las Vegas Convention Center, The Sands Expo, Mandalay Bay all other exhibit halls and hotels in Las Vegas. Subscribe now and get special offers Send Tha...