看着一个个玩老虎机的游客很少有神色轻松的,各个面色凝重😑,倒是凑在一起玩德扑之类的好像很欢乐的样子。下面说一点我在Las Vegas比较喜欢的户外活动,以及可以避雷的地方。 1. Death Valley死亡谷 开车过去还是要2小时的,冬天恐怕是去死亡谷最好的季节,不会热,所以人流量挺大。打卡了死亡谷🏜️的一些标志...
看过日出,照例回营地吃饭收拾,今天我们打算再走一个trail就去vegas了。我们先去了death valley的ranch,那里有邮局可以寄一张给自己的明信片,逛逛礼品店我们就去走golden canyon trail了。 13. 我们是按顺时针方向走的golden canyon trail,先是一段普普通通的峡谷地,然后豁然开朗,看到一座比较高的山峰,应该就是从za...
With these best Death Valley tours from Las Vegas active in 2025 you will explore the hottest, driest, and one of the most fascinating deserts in North America! Read along as we take you on from Las Vegas a virtual tour of Death Valley! The valley, the lowest place in the Western ...
Death Valley: Tagestour in kleiner Gruppe ab Las Vegas 3 10 Stunden Kostenlose Stornierung Ab 197,06 € Ausflug ins Death Valley ab Las Vegas 108 10 Stunden Kostenlose Stornierung Ab 285,74 € Hoover-Staudamm: Tour von oben, auf der Spitze und unter der Staumauer 207 6 Stunden Kos...
Death Valley National Park While technically in California, Death Valley National Park is a manageable day trip from Las Vegas, about a 2-hour drive away. It's known for being the hottest, driest, and lowest national park. Visitors are drawn to its unique desert landscapes, including ...
时间会非常赶...6月中旬是去death valley的最差时间, 你到的话刚好是中午,气温50度+, 稍微有意外...
Death Valley is an odd place to throw a birthday party, particularly when you're turning 95. But that's what a friend of mine did. She is as sharp as a cactus quill and as witty as Oscar Wilde. She understands, like...
Find out everything you need to know about the Best Natural Wonders near Las Vegas including national parks, modern marvels, and unique geological sights, and more with our online Las Vegas guide.
Day1: Las Vegas – Lone Pine (Half way to Yosemite) 第一天主要是赶路和在死亡谷国家公园游玩。公园特色是峡谷和戈壁。沿路会有著名的峡谷、历史遗迹、小镇,另外岔路去恶水(bad water),也是最有名的景点之一。 早上八点出发,上160号高速,转190号高速,从death valley junction进入公园。顺路景点依次有:二十驴...