Jerusalem: As the cultural center and biggest center and biggest city in the region, Jerusalem is regarded as a holy place by Jews, Muslims and Christians.For Jews, it is where their ancestors built the first and second temples.Muslims knew it was the place where the Prophet Mohammed passed...
Most traditional mainstream denominations are in decline, but pentecostals are growing in number and in influence.;These pietistic-minded Christians have made impressive inroads in a culture that represents so much of what they reflect. There exists a paradoxical relationship between the Las Vegas ...
Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Atheist, Agnostic, Other World Religion, and Other Faith (Unitarian, New Age, and Native American religions). Within each main group, there are dozens of families and denominations. Christians make up 70.6% of the denominations while non-Christian...
Great Lent is an opportunity for all Orthodox Christians to examine their Christian life and to come closer to God through prayer, fasting, almsgiving and participating in the Lenten services. Lenten serviceos include the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete during the first week of Lent; the Presanct...
Vegas was an op the likes of which has never been seen before in the USA. That’s because they had to disguise it as a lone gunman who could become a patsy like Lee Harvey Oswald. So it was really an assault on the POTUS and the patriots camouflaged as a lone wolf–another white ...
As Christians, I believe that we sometimes lose sight of the power and need for prophesy because we believe that it only refers to the Old Testamental pointing to the future coming of the Lord. But that is a mistake. Prophesy is the thundering voice of the Lord Himself through the prophet...
s. Also make sure to join us in our hall next door after the service for coffee and further fellowship. Because of the robust culture in Las Vegas, we regularly have visitors. Do not be surprised if someone introduces themselves and asks where you are from. We look very much forward to...
Las Vegas Strip, March 1988. Monaco Motel, Desert Inn, Silver Slipper. 继续阅读 Thunderbird hotel neon marquee, c. August 1957 The Thunderbird Presents the fabulous Four Lads, Jay Nemeth, Billy Wells & Four Fays. In the lounge: Carole Simpson, 3 Sparks, Kathy Ryan, Mark IV. Casino - ...
In a previous posting (linkhere), I wrote about a flurry of trademark infringement lawsuits filed by 3700 Associates, LLC (“3700 Associates”) – the developer of theCosmopolitan Resort & Casinoin Las Vegas – against various named defendants. Based on the named defendants in one of the comp...