Las Malvinas son argentinas【转发】@阿根廷共和国驻华大使馆:【马岛战争纪念日】今天4月2日,全体阿根廷人民追忆和纪念那些在捍卫马尔维纳斯群岛主权而牺牲,为其奉献自己生命的同胞。 捍卫马岛主权的承诺始终...
Also examined is de Kirchner's relationship with Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela. The article provides a brief biography of de Kirchner, including information on her early involvement with left wing causes.BevinsVincentNew Statesman
Efficiency results from transactions when the benefits exceed the costsPink Floydalb.l.rev
Un antiimperialismo bicéfalo? La Guerra de Malvinas según las extremas izquierdas y derechas argentinasdoi:10.15446/historelo.v16n37.108476It is commonplace to state that the invasion of the Malvinas, in April 1982, had an immense impact on Argentine society. This articl...