Larry King Live is a nightly CNN talk show hosted by Larry King. The show debuted on June 1, 1985, and is CNN's longest running) program. The show broadcasts from CNN's Los Angeles studios (with some broadcasts emanating from studios in New York and Washington, D.C.). Every night,...
Larry King Larry King 1 Ghostbusters (1984) Tatjana Patitz Tatjana Patitz 1 Rising Sun (1993) Beck Beck 1 Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010) Charley Pavlosky Waiter 1 Dead Letters (2007) They Might Be Giants Themselves 1 The Adjustment Bureau (2011) Jake Johannsen ...
Keep It in Your Pants (2010) (Short) - Dr. Rosenrosen Alpha and Omega (2010) Marcel (voice) $20MM $9.1MM $25MM $51MM Valentine's Day (2010) Oversized Baggage Agent $52MM $56MM $111MM $217MM The Six Wives of Henry Lefay (2009) Lipschutz The Spleenectomy (2008...
Stephen King co-opted the scariness of periods for his debut horror YA novel, Carrie, for which he received a massive advance. The story is part of our lore and has been adapted for film twice. King doesn’t have any idea what the day-to-day reality of menstruation is actually like (...
Recognizing the collateral damage to wives, children, and otherwise decent people if she rats out players in her games, Bloom, against her lawyer’s advice (played by Idris Elba), refuses to implicate anyone but herself. This film is excellent. It is the story of Bloom’s mistakes, yes, ...
Europe, the great period of tapestry weaving ran from the second half of the 14th century to the end of the 18th century. Basically, you know you’re in a very old house when you’re surrounded by ancient tapestries. Henry the Eighth (who murdered his wives) had 2,000 of the damn ...
They should be in. bed, I thought. 突然,梅根抱着球飞跑而过。埃里克追着她。他们应该睡觉了,我想。 When the doorbell rang, I rose slowly and crept to the door. Emerson King was standing on the porch. 门铃响了,我慢慢地站起来,挪动到了门口。爱默生·金站在门廊上。“I’ve come to clean ...
In the 1980s when Ishiguro wrote this novel, everyone was still expected to be sexual (i.e. not asexual), cisgender, romantically oriented, heterosexual. Family is still king. Even with wider acceptance of gay and lesbian partnerships, the idea that someone like Mr Stevens might be happy ...
Whatever we call them, both types of short stories are equally legitimate.I call them ‘genre’ and ‘lyrical’ short stories. Stephen King’s short stories are genre; Katherine Mansfield’s are lyrical. In order to get the most out of a lyrical short story we need to take a long, hard...
Keep It in Your Pants (2010) (Short) - Dr. Rosenrosen Alpha and Omega (2010) Marcel (voice) $20MM $9.1MM $25MM $51MM Valentine's Day (2010) Oversized Baggage Agent $52MM $56MM $111MM $217MM The Six Wives of Henry Lefay (2009) Lipschutz The Spleenectomy (2008...