貝萊德董事長勞倫斯·芬克 Larry Fink 2024 年致投資人年度信函重思退休養老 2012年我的母親去世後,父親的健康狀況也開始走下坡。我和哥哥不得不查看父母的帳單和財務狀況。 我的父母從事他們熱愛的工作長達五十年,但收入從來不及最高納稅等級。我的母親在州立大學(加州州立大學北嶺分校)教授英語,父親則經營一家...
(and probably as far back as the early Industrial Revolution), so this is not a new trend. In fact, when I wrote my original 2020 letter about sustainability, I also wrote to our clients that countries would still need to produce oil and gas to meet their energy needs. ...
In his latest annual 'dear CEO' letter, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink has defended stakeholder capitalism and BlackRock's push to hold firms accountable for progress on a range of ESG issues as good business practice and not inconsistent with, or at the cost of, long term financial returns. Rather...
BlackRock, the world's largest investment firm, will put sustainability at the center of its investment strategy going forward, according to CEO Larry Fink'sannual letter to chief executives. The letter,first reportedby the New York Times, states that BlackRock, which manages almost $7 trillion ...
Author's Picks Larry Fink's 2018 Letter To CEOs: A Sense Of Purpose Jan. 16, 2018Analyst's Pick1 Comment To My Fellow Shareholders Editor's PickApr. 12, 2017Analyst's Pick2 Comments See All Author's Picks » Most Viewed Cont...
The world faces a looming “retirement crisis” that requires a rethink of pensions and working patterns as medical breakthroughs boost longevity, BlackRock’s chief executive Larry Fink warned on Tuesday in his closely watched annual letter to chief executives and investors. Fink, whose previous miss...
In recent years, I’ve written an annual letter to the CEOs of the companies in which our clients are invested to advocate, on their behalf, for governance and business practices that we believe will promote long-term shareholder value. As I’ve said in these letters, the money we manage...
Fortune previously named Fink one of the “World’s Greatest Leaders,” and he appeared in Barron’s list of the “World’s Best CEOs” for 12 consecutive years. Each year, Fink writes an open letter on the BlackRock website addressing CEOs worldwide, setting the tone for investors, ...
Larry Fink’s faith in the power of markets needs some temperingPremiumcontent Markets can be corrupted and are not fail-safe alone March 26 2024 BlackRock Inc Larry Fink warns retirement crisis looms for ageing world population BlackRock chief’s annual letter also embraces ‘energy pragmatism’ ...