I feel the most for our elder parents that are trapped and two visitors is very small. Having said that though in any senior home I don’t think nay visitor should be allowed until the the numbers come down. Driving today I couldn’t help but notice : Just beautiful ! We have a tabl...
When Mr Stevens the elder trips on a paving stone and drops the afternoon tea in front of guests, he is relieved of any duties which put him in view. Mr Stevens elder is now below the status of an under butler. He is a cleaner. Worse than that, he is to walk around looking for...
As they did so, it occurred to me that I had taught the elder son, and watched the younger one perform in the marching band with the Spawn some years ago. Good kids, both; they take after their parents, both of whom were Newberry College faculty who died before they had a chance to...
Cover design and illustration by Sydney Leff, 1932 Hannah Hawkins-Elder explains that in reality loneliness is more of a spectrum than a lonely/not-lonely binary because all of us feel lonely at different times. Loneliness forces us to seek social connection, so this is an important emotion, ...
“[People] probably would’ve died here,” says Aunty Barbara, a Bidjigal, Gweagal and Wandi Wandian elder. The (Australian) Smallpox Outbreak of 1789 TUNNEL AS URBAN CAVE Adolph K. Kronengold TUNNELS AS MALADAPTIVE FOCUS Tunnels inherit much of the symbolism attributed to caves but, on to...
The “Wayfarer’s All” is another horny chapter which takes the viewpoint away from Toad, temporarily. Ratty feels horny and goes cruising, meets a hot navy guy elder in a faded blue jersey. ‘That reminds me,’ said the polite Water Rat; ‘you happened to mention that you were hungry...