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This heartwarming scene in the Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park (NCTLNP) was streamed in real-time on an intelligent screen at the park's control room. Such new technologies have transformed biodiversity conservation in China. In the NCTLNP, which spans ...
Panthera tigris tigris –includes the Bengal tiger –Endangered, Siberian (Amur) tiger –Endangered, South China tiger –Critically Endangered, Indochinese tiger –Endangered, Malayan tiger –Critically Endangeredand Caspian tiger (extinct). Panthera tigris sondaica –the last surviving population of isla...
Deep inside a dense forest in northeast China, a Siberian tiger cub was cuddling and playing with its mother. This heartwarming scene in the Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park (NCTLNP) was streamed in real-time on an intelligent screen at the park's control room. Such new tec...
Indian Bullfrog(Hoplobatrachus tigerinus) – this colorful frog, with its green body and blue vocal sacs, can reach lengths of up to 6.7 inches, possibly slightly larger. During the breeding season, males will turn a bright yellow. This fork-tongued frog is found primarily in South and Sou...
The five parks - Northeast China Tiger and Leopard, Three-River-Source National Park, Giant Panda National Park, Wuyishan National Park and National Park of Hainan Tropical Rainforest - cover a total area of 230,000 square kilometers in 10 provinces, ranging from north to south China. They ...
Deep inside a dense forest in northeast China, a Siberian tiger cub was cuddling and playing with its mother. This heartwarming scene in the Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park (NCTLNP) was streamed in real-time on an intelligent screen at the park's control room. ...
The Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park in Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces has unblocked the migration channels of wild animals. Since 2017, the number of Siberian tigers in the park has increased from 27 to about 50, while the number of Siberian leopards ...
Population: 1,366,417,754 Capital city: New Delhi Date of independence: August 15, 1947 Primary languages: Hindi, Bengali, Telugu Primary religions: Hindu, Muslim National symbol:The Lion Capital of Ashoka, Bengal tiger, lotus flower National colors:Saffron, white, and green ...
In 2010, the ‘Gajah report’ from ElephantTask Force made a slew of recommendationsto protect and preserve the elephantpopulation, including the: Constitution of a statutory NationalElephant Conservation Authority(NECA) on the lines of National TigerConservation Authority (NTCA). ...