India is the second largest producer of wheat and rice, the Punjab region of India is the major contributing state along withUttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Haryana. Mangoes Mango is the national fruit of India and there are over hundredsvarieties of mangoesare known in India. Almost 50% of...
India’s Standing in the World India is theLARGEST PRODUCERof milk, millets, jute, ginger, bananas, mangoes (famous as ‘king of fruits’), papayas, castor oil seeds, and safflower oil seeds. India is theSECOND LARGEST PRODUCERof cottonseed, tea, rice, sugarcane, garlic, wheat, potatoes,...
2) India is the largest producer of bamboo in the world but ironically, it is also the 2nd largest importer of bamboo and its products. 3) While 136 varieties of bamboo are found in India; the BambusaTulda variety, which is used for making agarbatti sticks, is found in abundance in the...
2. The Constitution of India defines and gives details of what Constitutes 'incapacity and proved misbehaviour' of the Judges of the Supreme Court of India. 3. The details of the process of impeachment of the Judges of the Supreme Court of India are given in the Judges (Inquiry) Act, 1968...
is the managed recharge of aquifers. To ensure continued yield of important staple crops (e.g. wheat), it may also be necessary to shift the locations where these crops are grown, in response to temperature changes as well as to water availability. The latter will be key factor in making...