1146-greatest-common-divisor-of-strings 119-pascals-triangle-ii 1260-day-of-the-year 1284-four-divisors 131-palindrome-partitioning 1319-unique-number-of-occurrences 136-single-number 1392-find-the-difference-of-two-arrays 151-reverse-words-in-a-string 1528-kids-with-the-greatest-number-of-...
Programs for improving the efficiency of directory traversal by remembering common paths and other approaches; alternatives to the cd command. Apparition - Apparition allows giving names to paths, so that moving to the specific path can be done by using the name; it also allows managing the list...
How to bind a list of strings directly to a textbox content? How to bind a List<Type> as a ItemSource to ComboBox in XAML? How to bind a MenuItem Command to code-behind? How to bind a RichTextBox instead of TextBox How to bind a WPF UserControl's Visibility property How to bin...
Flip Columns For Maximum Number of Equal Rows 1071. Greatest Common Divisor of Strings 1057. Campus Bikes 1056. Confusing Number 1055. Shortest Way to Form String 1054. Distant Barcodes 1053. Previous Permutation With One Swap 1052. Grumpy Bookstore Owner 1051. Height Checker 1049. Last Stone ...
1016-Binary-String-With-Substrings-Representing-1-To-N 1017-Convert-to-Base--2 1018-Binary-Prefix-Divisible-By-5 1019-Next-Greater-Node-In-Linked-List 1020-Number-of-Enclaves 1021-Remove-Outermost-Parentheses 1022-Sum-of-Root-To-Leaf-Binary-Numbers 1023-Camelcase-Matching 1024-Video-...
Fuzzy finders and generic option pickers in lists of strings. choose - NCurses based token selector with a nice terminal user interface for selecting tokens. Selecting a line from the bash history is only one of its use cases. cmenu - Vaguely dmenu-like minimal TUI menu utility, it reads ...
2433-find-the-original-array-of-prefix-xor 2482-difference-between-ones-and-zeros-in-row-and-column 2529-maximum-count-of-positive-integer-and-negative-integer 2586-count-the-number-of-vowel-strings-in-range 2600-k-items-with-the-maximum-sum 2785-sort-vowels-in-a-string Add two numbers...