目前大部分对于 GNN 的探索局限于小图且高质量的数据集,对于现实世界中的大图数据存在局限性: 现实大图数据日益增长且可以轻松达到亿级别的点和边,现有的大部分 GNN 模型无法应用 现有的 GNN 模型用于测试的标准图数据集是高质量的,但是现实世界中的图数据可以存在节点特征噪声,稀疏链接等问题。 本文主要从图数据和...
这除去GNN非凡的表现之外,还要得益于它十分广阔的应用场景。而具体到应用的话,那么就避不开大图(一般称为large-scale graph)的问题。直观感受一下就是当图中的结点数量很多(千万级甚至上亿),直接使用普通的GNN就会出现严重的性能问题。我们可以先看一下最经典的GCN的表达式: H=D~−12A~D~−12XW=A^XW 一般...
我们在 PyTorch-Geometric 库的基础上实现并评估了 8 种类型的 GNN,并考虑到了它们的扩展性。 构建一个框架/可配置的管道,以方便 ML4SE 任务的实验。 该框架已经可用。 对GNN 架构和培训目标提出新的改进建议。
Recently popularized Graph Neural Network (GNN) has been attaching great attention along with its successful industry applications. This paper focuses on two challenges traditional GNN frameworks face: (i) most of them are transductive and mainly concentrate on homogeneous networks considering single ...
This work introduces a GNN library, XGCN, which is designed to assist users in rapidly developing and running large-scale GNN recommendation models. We offer highly scalable GNN reproductions and include a recently proposed GNN model: xGCN. Experimental evaluations on datasets of varying scales ...
The GNN47,48 is a type of neural network with the ability to operate on graph data structures, which has gained increasing popularity in the field of molecular property prediction. Recently, ECC was proposed by generalizing the convolution operator to graph and generate filter weights conditioned ...
总结 DGraph数据集为金融领域反欺诈研究提供了宝贵资源,通过深入分析背景节点、处理缺失值和利用GNN模型,文章揭示了欺诈用户与正常用户在图结构和特征上的差异,提出了一种改进模型性能的方法。DGraph不仅为改进现有GAD方法提供了机会,也启发了未来工作探索如何更好地处理背景节点,以提高欺诈检测模型的性能。
The proposed GNN-based preconditioner is used to enhance the efficiency of a Krylov method, resulting in a hybrid solver that can converge with any desired level of accuracy. The efficiency of the Krylov method greatly benefits from the GNN preconditioner, which is adaptable to meshes of any ...
边异构性:图中存在不同类型的边,表示不同的关系或交互。例如,在同一个社交网络中,边可以表示“用户关注用户”、“用户点赞帖子”或“用户评论帖子”。 异构GNN旨在利用这种多样性,通过设计特定的网络结构或机制来有效地捕捉和利用不同类型节点和边之间的复杂关系,从而提高对异构数据的建模能力。