metal seals, metallurgical industry, calcined industry, fireproof materials, large rubber plastic parts, large foam body, foam, foam, sponge, sporting goods, shoe soles, rocks, geology, mining civil engineering, cultural relics and archaeology, key laboratories, mat...
WaterAutomated meter readingLeakage detectionBalanceMinimum night flowRecent advances in intelligent water meter technology have improved the quantitative monitoring in water supply and distribution systems. Smart meters using automated meter reading (AMR) technology allow water utilities to: (a) provide ...
large-area (10 cm × 9 cm) and patterned perovskite films (the diameter of pixels is ~100 μm), emphasizing the great superiority of our thermal evaporation process. More importantly, we achieved a 7.1% EQE for the 40.2 cm2device, representing one of the most efficient larg...
The AG600's successful on-water flight shows that China has mastered the key technology of large-scale amphibious aircraft, including the overall design, aerodynamic structure, and the avionics system, said Chen Yuanxian, deputy general manager of AVIC. "We will speed up the development of the ...
Water storage change and time-variable gravity One of the key variables for hydrogeological monitoring and modelling studies are temporal variations of the water storage in groundwater systems. Storage variations are a fundamental component of the groundwater balance and of the continental water cycle....
Key products: Pad printer, Screen printer, UV curing machine, Heat transfer machine. Business scopes: 1. Research, develop, produce and sell: Pad printer, Screen printer, Heat transfer machine, Hot stamping machine, Pre-post printer(UV curing machine, Flame treatment machine, UV ...
microcontroller script that governs the autonomous system. V.K. and A.A. ran the experiments of the autonomous system that led to Supplementary Note11with A.T. E.D., P.L., A.T. and V.K interpreted the key findings. P.L. designed the python script that ran Olsen and Stirling ...
According to Zhang, the fortress was built on steep slopes on the mountain to protect it against invaders, but this made it vulnerable to mountain torrents. The design of the large drainage ditch and the large stones at the bottom protected the walls from the water, and may have been the ...
The installation of sophisticated shipboard control and automation technology and high performance dredging systems, coupled with the shallowness of its draught in relation to its capacity, should allow the operator, DEME subsidiary Dredging International, to achieve important gains in terms of operational...
The key technical features of Li-ion battery includes the specific energy of 75–250 (Wh/kg), specific power of 150–315 (W/kg), round trip efficiency of 85–95 (%), service life 5–15 (years), and self-discharge rate of 0.1–0.3 (%) [19]. The Li-ion battery possesses high ...