Note: This section is under development Question Design a hash map Solution Design a least recently used cache Solution Design a call center Solution Design a deck of cards Solution Design a parking lot Solution Design a chat server Solution Design a circular array Contribute Add an object-...
This problem is further addressed by combining tumour tracking with rescanning in order to mitigate the dose corruption through multiple deliveries of the plan under different interplay conditions. Figure 1 Sketch of energy offsets for beam tracking in a simplified treatment plan consisting of 8 ...
This can be used as a measure of plausibility of the shape with shape parameters \(\varvec{\alpha }\), under the current PCA model (Fig. 7). Based on the aforementioned remarks, for every training face mesh that has been put in correspondence using NICP and afterwards subjected in ...
36. To evaluate the mechanical stability and electrical reliability of each F-device, cyclic bending under 10 mm radius or stretching tests have been performed. F-LED, as the output device, maintains initial electrical characteristics over a year (Supplementary Fig.13) and shows unnoticeable ...
smaller cluster sizes are not available, because we do not want a single physical sector (i.e. the unit of atomicity for the media) to contain multiple clusters. Generally speaking, however, we would recommend a cluster size of 4K for volumes under 16TB regardless of the physical sector ...
‘DE’) that allows protein expression in competent bacterial cells to be put under the inducible control of IPTG. Competent cells, e.g. BL21(DE3), contain a DE3 lysogen which has the T7 RNA Polymerase under the control of the lacUV5 promoter – and are an all-purpose strain for h...
smaller cluster sizes are not available, because we do not want a single physical sector (i.e. the unit of atomicity for the media) to contain multiple clusters. Generally speaking, however, we would recommend a cluster size of 4K for volumes under 16TB regardless of the physical sector ...
Under a Creative Commons license open accessAbstract A rocket called Kwangmyongsong-4 was launched from North Korea at 00:30 UT on February 7, 2016. We investigated ionospheric total electron content (TEC) depletions induced by the rocket using the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) station...
The synchronisation index serves as an indicator for the strength of functional interactions in the epileptic brain network45and is confined to the unit interval:\(r_{ij} = 1\)indicates fully phase-synchronised brain regions and\(r_{ij} = 0\)indexes no phase synchronisation. For subsequent an...
Note: This section is under development Question Design a hash map Solution Design a least recently used cache Solution Design a call center Solution Design a deck of cards Solution Design a parking lot Solution Design a chat server Solution Design a circular array Contribute Add an object-...